| NOUN | a rabbit burrow | rabbit burrows |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- It frequently nests in rabbit burrows. Sightings of this bird are rare in North America and are reported as infrequent visitors to the U.S.
- The Department of Conservation are controlling rabbits and destroying rabbit burrows in the reserve.
- They also occupy vacant goanna, bettong and rabbit burrows and underneath fallen timber.
- A warren is a network of wild rodent or lagomorph, typically rabbit burrows.
- The journey home was difficult, as the girls had to sleep under bushes or in rabbit burrows.
- The grey teal nests near its favoured freshwater lakes and marshes, usually on the ground, but also in tree holes or rabbit burrows.
- lagophilus" are nonparasitic, yet are still often found around and in rabbit burrows.
- The rabbit populations on the islands play an important role in the breeding success of the Manx shearwater as the latter mainly nest in the rabbit burrows that honeycomb the islands.
- Brown rats can be a serious threat to kittens, as they will reside in rabbit burrows during the summer, and attack them in groups.
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