21 Übersetzungen
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- Finally, Bugs appears dressed as a producer and brings Elmer into a show called "Fancy Dress Party" (a parody of "The Arthur Murray Dance Party"), Elmer gets changed into a rabbit costume, and Bugs gets into Elmer's hunting outfit.
- Filmed in black and white, it depicts hotel rooms and corridors populated by the band members as well as a "Neolithic man" dressed in a rabbit costume, and men in suits with a giant potato or a sculpted chimpanzee face in place of their heads.
- He is a robot that appears as an infant dressed in a peanut/rabbit costume. Whether or not this is his real form or simply a disguise is never discussed.
- On the ProSieben network Show "TV total", he appeared in a pink rabbit costume as a "bubble hare" blowing a carrot.
- They find themselves being harassed by a truck, driven by a man in a rabbit costume who refuses to communicate with them, or show himself to them.
- The legend has many variations; most involve a man wearing a rabbit costume who attacks people with an axe or hatchet.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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