 Übersetzung für 'rabbit on' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO to jabber | to mouth off | to rabbit on | ...
to rabbit on [Br.] [coll.]sülzen [ugs.]
to rabbit on [Br.] [coll.]quasseln [ugs.]
to rabbit on [Br.] [coll.]schwafeln [ugs.]
to rabbit on [Br.] [coll.] [to chatter on]sabbeln [nordd.] [ugs.]
ditch rabbit / rabbit's foot grass [Polypogon interruptus]
Unterbrochenes Bürstengras {n}
Hase {m} [ugs. für Kaninchen, auch für Osterhase, in Märchen]
Karnickel {n} [regional] [Kaninchen]
Kaninchen {n}
chocolate rabbit
Schokoladenhase {m}
jugged rabbit
Kaninchenpfeffer {m}
(rabbit) hutchKaninchenstall {m}
(rabbit) warren
Kaninchenbau {m}
rabbit hutchHasenstall {m}
rabbit test
Kaninchentest {m}
baby rabbit
kleines Kaninchen {n}
rabbit warrenKaninchengehege {n}
wild rabbit
Wildkaninchen {n}
rabbit costume
Hasenkostüm {n}
Welsh rabbit
Käsetoast {m}
rabbit earHasenohr {n}
chinchilla rabbit
Chinchillakaninchen {n}
rabbit breed
Kaninchenrasse {f}
roast rabbit
Hasenbraten {m}
rabbit loin
Hasenlende {f}
24 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The lyrics describe a boy who is angry with his father for cooking their family's pet rabbit on Christmas.
  • From 1989 through 2011, Mead Johnson used Beatrix Potter's "Peter Rabbit" on its U.S.
  • In 2021, one rabbit on the island tested positive for tularemia.
  • "Conejo de viaje" ("Travelling Rabbit" or "Rabbit on the Road") (2008) is a collection of illustrated travel journals that describe his journeys through France, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Antarctica (which includes sojourns on Antarctic islands such as Cuverville Island).
  • MGM Home Entertainment released "American Rabbit" on DVD in February 2005. It was presented in fullscreen (as opposed to its original widescreen release) and contained no extras.

  • Ninth king of this dynasty "Baghel Singh" (1480–1510) came on a hunting to a place in between Rukshi and Balaram mountains and saw a wonderful sight that a rabbit pressed down a dog there.
  • The medal depicts Armand-Delille on one side, and a dead rabbit on the other.
  • His subsequent albums, 2007's "Buckles and Boots" and 2010's "Rabbit on My Wheel", pursued a more conventional country sound.
  • Wintersleep also opened for Frightened Rabbit on the latter's North American dates in early 2018.
  • There is a comparable and apparently also relatively modern taboo against uttering the word 'rabbit' on the Isle of Portland.

  • It is thought that this tradition may be related to the tradition of invoking the rabbit on the first of the month.
  • He makes a brief cameo in the 1988 film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" on a poster in a movie theater in Toontown.
  • "Magical Maestro", for example, shows Poochini with a male and female rabbit on each arm.
  • depicts a boy holding a possibly domesticated rabbit on his lap, with a cage with an open door in the background.
  • The set consists of the following designs: Rock dove on 1 cent coin, rabbit on 5 cent coin, mackerel on 10 cent coin, lynx on 25 cent coin, wolf on 50 cent coin and goose on the 1 dollar coin.

  • For example, the gold elephant on d3 could not simultaneously push the silver rabbit on d2 to e2 and pull the silver rabbit from c3 to d3.
  • Their battle symbol was a dead rabbit on a pike. They often clashed with Nativist political groups who viewed Irish Catholics as a threatening and criminal subculture.
  • The flag of the province also shows the seal in the middle, a white rabbit on a yellow moon disc, on a blue disc.
  • This model also features a deep draw hood designed by Chief R&D at Shelby Vince LaViolette, 20" anthracite "Razor" wheels and a comprehensive styling changes including a logo with the Terlingua rabbit on the hood.
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