Übersetzung für '
rabbit-ear' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a rabbit ear | rabbit ears |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- It was found to be an active Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor agonist in rabbit ear arteries.
- The Boys and Edmiston-Ruedenberg localization methods mix these orbitals to give equivalent bent bonds in ethylene and "rabbit ear" lone pairs in water, while the Pipek-Mezey method preserves their respective σ and π symmetry.
- This MO treatment of water does not have two equivalent "rabbit ear" lone pairs.
- They were also referred to as teardrop, heart, or rabbit-ear orbits because of their appearance.
- In 1964, he reported a rabbit ear replantation to the Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting in Kansas City, Kansas.
- The rabbit ear mite, "Psoroptes cuniculi", is larger than "Otodectes cynotis".
- Qualitatively similar results were obtained in a rabbit ear preparation: 25 mg l-synephrine produced significant (50%) vasoconstriction, while the same concentration of d-synephrine elicited essentially no response.
- In the same book he also introduced the origami term "double rabbit ear fold."
- Rabbit ear formation allows the 3′ nucleotide of the newly synthesized DNA strand to pair with an internal base, which repositions the replication fork in a strand-switching maneuver that primes synthesis of additional linear sequences.
- "Conchoderma auritum", the rabbit-ear barnacle, is a species of maxillopod in the family Lepadidae.
- Her wardrobe included a 1920s rabbit ear headpiece as a means of innocence for her character in the clip.
- Animal studies conducted in 2004-2005 have demonstrated the effectiveness of TCOT on Rabbit ear wounds.
- These three early Photomic heads required Nikon F-mount lenses with a meter coupling shoe ("rabbit ears", see above).
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