 Übersetzung für 'rapid determination' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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rapid determinationSchnellbestimmung {f}
rapid {adj}Schnell-
rapid {adj}schnell
rapid {adj}rapide
rapid {adj}rasant [ugs.]
rapid {adj}speditiv [schweiz.]
rapid {adj}rapid [bes. österr.: rapide]
rapid {adj}rasch
rapid {adj}prompt
rapid {adj}zügig
Stromschnelle {f}
rapid {adj}stürmisch [Entwicklung, Wachstum]
rapid recoveryschnelle Erholung {f}
rapid developmentschnelle Entwicklung {f}
rapid recurrenceschnelle Wiederkehr {f}
rapid stepschneller Schritt {m}
most rapid {adj}schnellste
rapid streamreißender Fluss {m}
rapid movementrasche Bewegung {f}
rapid {adj} [rash]überstürzt
rapid dryerSchnelltrockner {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • RDC measurements have also been proved to be extremely useful for a rapid determination of the relative orientations of units of known structures in proteins.
  • For rapid determination of position, the ultrasonic time-of-flight information is supplemented with the data from on-board accelerometers (3x Honeywell QA-750 single-axis accelerometers) and gyroscopes (3x Systron Donner QRS14 single-axis rate gyroscopes).
  • Deng et al, C. (2003). Rapid Determination of Salicylic Acid in Plant Materials by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Chromatographia.
  • Security of Payment legislation has been introduced by each Australian State and Territory to allow for the rapid determination of progress claims under building contracts or sub-contracts and contracts for the supply of goods or services in the building industry.
  • Adjudication is a relatively new process introduced by the Victorian State Government to allow for the rapid determination of progress claims under building contracts or sub-contracts and contracts for the supply of goods or services in the building industry.

  • Blackmond has pioneered the methodology of Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis (RPKA), which is used for rapid determination of concentration dependences of reactants.
  • The Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT) is equipment used for rapid determination of modulus, permanent deformation and fatigue of bituminous mixtures.
  • Like other techniques that linearize the Michaelis–Menten equation, the Hanes–Woolf plot was used historically for rapid determination of the kinetic parameters [...] , [...] and ' [...] , but it has been largely superseded by nonlinear regression methods that are significantly more accurate and no longer computationally inaccessible.
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