 Übersetzung für 'rapid filling' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a rapid filling | rapid fillings
rapid fillingSchnellbefüllung {f}
rapid {adj}zügig
rapid {adj}Schnell-
rapid {adj}prompt
rapid {adj}rapide
rapid {adj}rasant [ugs.]
rapid {adj}speditiv [schweiz.]
rapid {adj}rapid [bes. österr.: rapide]
Stromschnelle {f}
rapid {adj}schnell
rapid {adj}stürmisch [Entwicklung, Wachstum]
rapid {adj}rasch
rapid growthschnelles Wachstum {n}
rapid methodSchnellverfahren {n}
rapid cyclogenesis
rapide Zyklogenese {f}
rapid chess
Schnellschach {n}
rapid declinesteiler Abstieg {m}
most rapid {adj}schnellste
most rapid {adj}am schnellsten [nur prädikativ]
rapid treatment
Sofortbehandlung {f} [schnelle Behandlung]
rapid-growing {adj}schnellwachsend
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • After 20 seconds, if there has been no rapid filling, the tourniquet is released.
  • It may also be a result of tensing of the chordae tendineae during rapid filling and expansion of the ventricle.
  • The venous filling time after the patient is asked to stand up from a seated position also is used to assess for CVI. Rapid filling of the legs less than 20 seconds is abnormal.
  • In constrictive pericarditis, the characteristic sharp and deep y descent reflects rapid filling in early diastole which occurs when the unyielding pericardium elevates atrial pressure and limits ventricular filling to the early diastolic period.
  • The increase in arrests led to the rapid filling of the San Diego jails, causing overcrowding and the rapid decline of prison conditions, increasing Wobbly anger toward law enforcement.

  • The rupture and the rapid filling of the Mediterranean, based on the geological event known as the Zanclean Flood, form a Wagnerian climax to The Golden Torc, in which aliens and time-traveling humans are caught up in this cataclysm.
  • This can lead to rapid filling of the brood box and overcrowding resulting eventually in the hive swarming.
  • One of the four crew members drowned in the sinking, due to the rapid filling of the boat and being tethered to the hull.
  • On CT and MRI, it shows rapid filling during arterial phase, with contrast retention in venous and delayed phases.
  • Some recent studies have also confirmed the presence of a vortex ring during rapid filling phase of diastole and implied that the process of vortex ring formation can influence mitral annulus dynamics.

  • Such rapid filling rates imply that most strudel scours are recent events.
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