 Übersetzung für 'ras el hanout' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ras el hanout [ رأس الحانوت, ]
Ras el-Hanout {f}
electroluminescent wire <EL wire, El wire>
Elektrolumineszenzdraht {m} <EL-Draht, El-Draht>
Ras protein
Ras-Protein {n}
rapid alert system <RAS>
Schnellwarnsystem {n} <SWS>
risk analysis system <RAS>
Risikoanalysesystem {n} <RAS>
remote access service <RAS>
Remote Access Service {m} <RAS>
replenishment at sea <RAS>
Seeversorgung {f}
risk analysis system <RAS>
Risiko-Analyse-System {n} <RAS>
renal artery stenosis <RAS>
Nierenarterienstenose {f} <NAS>
return activated sludge <RAS>Rücklaufschlamm {m} <RS>
Russian Academy of Sciences <RAS>
Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften {f} <RAW>
robotic-assisted surgery <RAS> [branch of medicine]
robotergestützte Chirurgie {f}
robotic-assisted surgery <RAS> [branch of medicine]
roboterassistierte Chirurgie {f} <RAC>
Ras al-Khaimah [an emirate of the UAE]
Ras al-Khaima [ein Scheichtum der VAE]
El Arish
Al-Arisch {n}
El DoradosEldorados {pl}
El DoradoGoldland {n}
El Arish
El-Arish {n}
Elad {n}
El DoradoEldorado {n}
El Niño
El Niño {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • Ras el-Hanout {f} = ras el hanout [ رأس الحانوت, ]
  • Ras-Protein {n} = Ras protein
  • Risikoanalysesystem {n} <RAS> = risk analysis system <RAS>
  • Risiko-Analyse-System {n} <RAS> = risk analysis system <RAS>
  • Remote Access Service {m} <RAS> = remote access service <RAS>
  • Ras al-Khaima [ein Scheichtum der VAE] = Ras al-Khaimah [an emirate of the UAE]
  • Elektrolumineszenzdraht {m} <EL-Draht, El-Draht> = electroluminescent wire <EL wire, El wire>
  • El Topo = El Topo [Alejandro Jodorowsky]
  • El-Arish {n} = El Arish
  • Einzugsliquidität {f} <EL> = quick ratio [acid test ratio]
  • El-Alamein {n} = El Alamein [northern Egypt]
  • El Condor = El Condor [John Guillermin]
  • El Aaiún {n} = El Aaiún [capital of Western Sahara]
  • El Tigre = Kiss of Fire [Joseph M. Newman]
  • El Perdido = The Last Sunset [Robert Aldrich]
  • El Paso {n} = El Paso
  • El Dorado = El Dorado [Howard Hawks]
  • Erythroleukämie {f} <EL> = erythroleukaemia <EL> [Br.]
  • Erythroleukämie {f} <EL> = erythroleukemia <EL> [Am.]
  • Elektrolumineszenz {f} <EL> = electroluminescence <EL>
  • Esslöffel {m} <EL> = tablespoon <tbsp., T.>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The substance has also found culinary use in some blends of the North African spice mix "ras el hanout".
  • Orris root is often included as one of the many ingredients of ras el hanout, a blend of herbs and spices used across the Middle East and North Africa, primarily associated with Moroccan cuisine.
  • Besides pastrami, it also served a smoked eel sandwich (the live eels are butchered and smoked in-house), smoked bluefish and a smoked apricot chicken sandwich with green apple, red cabbage saurkraut, basil, and a charred poblano pepper sourcream seasoned with ras el hanout.
  • It is traditionally served with chicken and lentils and fenugreek seeds ("tifiḍas" in Amazigh, "helba" in Arabic), msemmen, meloui or day-old bread, and the blend of ras el hanout.
  • The main spices used for the stew are dried red chillies, caraway, ras el hanout, black pepper and cumin.

  • This cavity is stitched after being sprinkled with spices, particularly ras el hanout.
  • It is a sweet and salty meat tajine, combining a ras el hanout blend of spices with honey, cinnamon and almonds.
  • Some spice mixes are also traditional of the North African region such as the 'ras el hanout" which can be made up to twenty-seven spices.
  • "Ras el hanout" or "rass el hanout" ([...] , [...]) is a spice mix found in varying forms in Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.
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