| NOUN | a ray | rays |
| VERB | to ray | rayed | rayed raying | rays |
| SYNO | beam | beam of light | electron beam | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- Blu-ray Disc {f} <BD> = Blu-ray Disc <BD>
- X wie X-Ray [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] = X for X-Ray [NATO phonetic alphabet]
- Dual-X-Ray-Absorptiometrie {f} <DXA> = dual X-ray absorptiometry <DXA>
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- During its operations AGILE surveyed the gamma-ray sky and detected many galactic and extragalactic sources: AGILE discovered gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-3, detected many bright blazars, discovered several new gamma-ray pulsars, surveyed the Galactic plane with simultaneous hard X-ray/gamma-ray capability, discovered emission up to 100 MeV from Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes.
- Factory released "Big Bad Mama" on Blu-ray as a solo release.
- X-ray optics is the branch of optics that manipulates X-rays instead of visible light.
- Apparatuses to study radiation: a Wilson cloud chamber, an electrometer with ionization chamber, X-ray, cathode-ray and canal ray tubes, a fluorescent lamp.
- Light traveling in the forward direction is split by the input birefringent wedge into its vertical (0°) and horizontal (90°) components, called the ordinary ray (o-ray) and the extraordinary ray (e-ray) respectively.
- A guided ray (also bound ray or trapped ray) is a ray of light in a multi-mode optical fiber, which is confined by the core.
- Mental Ray (stylized as mental ray) is a production-quality ray tracing application for 3D rendering.
- Hertz has worked on cell manipulation with ultrasound, development of laboratory sources for Soft x-ray microscopy, and X-ray microfocus sources.
- Anderson took on Bully Ray in a no disqualification match.
- The second ray or reflected ray is calculated as the first ray but the heights of the antennas are added to form the right triangle.
- Ray Fillet (originally called Man Ray) is a mutant manta ray and small-time marine life ally of the Ninja Turtles on various occasions.
- Rendering of constructive solid geometry is particularly simple when ray tracing.
- All the points extending forever in one direction from a particular point are together known as a ray. If the ray includes the particular point, it is a closed ray; otherwise it is an open ray.
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