 Übersetzung für 'red tones' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a red tone | red tones
red tonesRottöne {pl}
3 Wörter
tones of redRottöne {pl}
tonesTöne {pl}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
brown tonesBrauntöne {pl}
green tonesGrüntöne {pl}
heart tones
Herztöne {pl}
reddish tonesRottöne {pl}
natural tonesNaturtöne {pl}
earthy tonesErdtöne {pl}
flesh tones
Inkarnat {n}
ring tones
Klingeltöne {pl}
psalm tones
Psalmtöne {pl}
ringing tonesKlingeltöne {pl}
earth tonesErdtöne {pl}
blue tonesBlautöne {pl}
fetal heart tones
kindliche Herztöne {pl}
tones of blue
Blautöne {pl}
tones of greenGrüntöne {pl}
tones of brownBrauntöne {pl}
warm earth toneswarme Erdtöne {pl}
gray tones [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is a popular ornamental plant, grown for its prolific clusters of flowers and (in the case of the pink flowering variety) deeply coloured foliage that may contain various green, copper, purple and red tones.
  • Within the main chapel are stained glass windows, designed by Stephen Moor of Sydney, those on the left in red tones (for the Crucifixion) with medallions representing the Old Testament, those on the right in blue tones (for Mary) with medallions representing the New Testament.
  • The predominant muted orange-red tones of the mural are repeated in the present color of the ambulatory wall and also in the ceiling coffers and panels of the clerestory.
  • Mid-19th century Navajo rugs often used a three-ply yarn called "Saxony", which refers to high-quality, naturally dyed, silky yarns. Red tones in Navajo rugs of this period come either from Saxony or from a raveled cloth known in Spanish as "bayeta", which was a woolen manufactured in England.
  • In February 2012, the sports manufacturers Umbro revealed a new home kit, designed purely from red and white, with a modified version of the FA's crest also in red tones.

  • 56, the lower the Hue Index and the lower the red tones.
  • The Berlin Painter used dilute glaze to add red tones onto his vases.
  • High iron content will bring out more red tones in the plant.
  • Using radiation to trigger mutations, new varieties were developed to retain the red tones that typically faded to pink.
  • However, as both the incandescent lamps and the orange signage were replaced with the more conventional fluorescent white tubes, these red tones disappeared.

  • It has thin orange skin, slightly blushed in red tones.
  • In contrast, the company has no problems selling diamonds in pink, purple and red tones, which are very rare and in high demand, therefore commanding premium prices.
  • The uprooting of weaving populations effected traditional all wool weaving which had previously been almost exclusively based on Turkmen designs with an all wool structure in red tones as expressed by Afghan carpets.
  • The front, drawn primarily in red tones, depicts a man on a bed tormented by demons and rats.
  • For the US release, all artwork was printed on red tones instead of their original colors.

  • venue has an Art Deco design with walls painted in red tones and hallways painted "Gotham Yellow."
  • The hues in the footage filmed for the series were "sweetened" in post-production, increasing the saturation of the red tones; this also caused black elements to seem deeper and more striking.
  • When ripe, the four-angled fruit is yellow-green with red tones, about [...] long by [...] wide, and contains about 150 dark brown or black seeds, each about with a diameter of about [...].
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