 Übersetzung für 'reddish tones' von Englisch nach Deutsch
reddish tonesRottöne {pl}
tonesTöne {pl}
blue tonesBlautöne {pl}
natural tonesNaturtöne {pl}
flesh tones
Inkarnat {n}
green tonesGrüntöne {pl}
earth tonesErdtöne {pl}
brown tonesBrauntöne {pl}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
heart tones
Herztöne {pl}
earthy tonesErdtöne {pl}
psalm tones
Psalmtöne {pl}
ring tones
Klingeltöne {pl}
ringing tonesKlingeltöne {pl}
red tonesRottöne {pl}
tones of redRottöne {pl}
tones of greenGrüntöne {pl}
tones of blue
Blautöne {pl}
tones of brownBrauntöne {pl}
fetal heart tones
kindliche Herztöne {pl}
gray tones [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • boliviensis" group–indeed, among the smallest of all species of "Akodon". Reddish tones occur mostly in lactating females.
  • It has small eyes and drop ears resembling triangles. This dog's coat is most often fawn, but it can also be brindle, black or 'wolf'-colored. Reddish tones indicate miscegenation.
  • The forewings of this species are basically brown but individuals vary greatly in tone from drab light brown to much richer reddish tones.
  • The basal and terminal areas of the forewings are marked with fascia separated by a large plain area in the middle, but the colouration of all these areas is confusingly variable from white to black with various grey, brown and reddish tones in between.
  • Females are larger and the wing colour is paler, with fewer reddish tones, than the males.

  • He differs from d'Arthois in some aspects such as his more schematized rendering of trees and his preference for a warmer palette, characterised by reddish tones.
  • In central and northern California and Oregon, it is dull deeper brown, sometimes with some reddish tones surrounding the dark-filled reniform and orbicular spots.
  • The leaf coverage on the plant is leathery light green to blue green with occasionally reddish tones "Ptilotus exaltatus" itself is endemic to much of mainland Australia and grows abundantly throughout the entirety of the country, favouring arid and semi-arid climates for ideal growth.
  • "Geastrum rufescens" has reddish tones that are absent from "G.
  • Fins have reddish tones. Its caudal fin has an angled basal black band.

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