 Übersetzung für 'ringer' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a ringer | ringers
SYNO bell ringer | clone | dead ringer | ...
Telefonklingel {f}
ringer [sl.]
[betrügerisch eingeschleuster Wettkampfteilnehmer]
Läutwerk {n}
Rufstromgeber {m}
ringer [sl.]
vertauschtes Rennpferd {n}
2 Wörter
bell ringerGlockenläuter {m}
bell ringer
Glöckner {m}
bell ringer [automatic music player]
Glockenschläger {m} [Musikautomat]
bird ringer
Beringer {m}
change ringer
Wechselläuter {m}
dead ringergenaues Ebenbild {n}
dead-ringerDoppelgänger {m}
dead-ringerDouble {n} [Doppelgänger]
Ringer Glacier
Ringer-Gletscher {m}
ringer volume
Ruflautstärke {f}
3 Wörter
church bell ringer
Kirchenglöckner {m}
5+ Wörter
X is a dead ringer for Y. [coll.]X könnte glatt als Y durchgehen. [ugs.]
to be a dead ringer for sb.ein Doppelgänger für jdn. sein
to be a dead ringer for sb. [sl.] [idiom]jdm. aufs Haar gleichen [Redewendung]
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Dead Ringer [Paul Henreid (1964 film)]
Der schwarze Kreis
The Ringer [Barry W. Blaustein]
Voll verarscht - Dabei sein ist alles
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
gold ringer [Monetaria annulus, syn.: M. dranga, M. harmandiana, Cypraea annulus, C. annularis, C. annulata, C. annulifera, C. calcarata, C. camelorum, C. tectoriata]
Ringkauri {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
22 Übersetzungen
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  • Ringer {m} = wrestler
  • Ringer-Gletscher {m} = Ringer Glacier
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • To swing the heavy bells requires a ringer for each bell.
  • When Western Electric commenced production they did not yet have a ringer small enough to fit inside the case.
  • The affair remains the best-known case of a corrupt trainer and owner using a ringer to race in place of another horse.
  • Dan Gurney won five NASCAR races as a ringer, while also succeeding in Formula One.
  • She qualified as a bird ringer in the 1990s and took part in several long-term ringing expeditions in Africa, South America and the Shetland Islands, She was employed as resident bird ringer at Rutland Water Nature Reserve in 1998.

  • He began working as a bell-ringer in 2002.
  • The ringer contained in the ringer box alerts a call recipient to incoming calls by ringing one or more metallic bells emitting a ringtone.
  • Various villagers, including the bell-ringer and his son, and the mayor and his daughter, are depicted.
  • Speed control is exerted by the ringer only when each bell is nearly mouth upwards and moving slowly near the balance point; this constraint and the rope manipulation involved normally requires that each bell has its own ringer.
  • Bellringers typically stand in a circle around the ringing chamber, each managing one rope.

  • The electromechanical ringer consists of two bell gongs of slightly different dimensions to produce different pitches and a striker between them that is driven by a solenoid; when the solenoid is energized by alternating (AC) ringing current, typically about [...] at [...] , it strikes the two gongs alternately, producing a distinctive effect of two superimposed sounds.
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