Übersetzung für '
roast house' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a roast house | roast houses |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
22 Übersetzungen
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- On January 24, 2018, the website 3rd Rail Politics reported Republican legislators' alleged sexist and demeaning comments toward women at a roast for outgoing Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger's chief of staff Mike Dittoe.
- The White House is grilled with roast beef, turkey and mushrooms.
- The vehicle was left under some shelter with the fire still burning whilst the operators retired to a nearby public house for a meal of roast goose and drinks.
- The DVD version did not include the "Full House" theme song as Saget comes out at the end to roast everyone who roasted him.
- Kifri had a cookshop selling kebabs, roast meat and sausages, and one coffee-house.
- The men would then march through the streets and retire at a "Bower House" for roast beef and spirits, ensuring a good turn-out.
- Also, he celebrated his birthday by giving a 5 lb roast to every family in which the head of the house was unemployed and a ticket for a meal at any restaurant in the city to the unmarried unemployed.
- One summer day in 1880, a prominent Philadelphia businessman and longtime Mountain House guest named George Harding asked a waiter to bring some fried chicken to his daughter Emily instead of the hotel's usual dinner fare of roast beef, as she had been prescribed a diet which excluded red meat.
- The Hare and Hounds is Withington's public house. Located in the centre of the village, the pub serves cooked food on Friday and Saturday evenings as well as a roast at Sunday lunchtimes.
- Unable to think of a way to improve their situation, they spend the evening smoking marijuana at Doralee's house and fantasizing about how they would get revenge on Hart: Judy would shoot him like a hunter does a deer, Doralee would hog tie him and roast him over a slow fire, while Violet would poison his coffee.
- He tells the crowd who are after them, which direction they have gone in return for a bottle of wine and a roast capon, but he soon feels like a treacherous coward.
- for Isaac asked who would be roast ("leafot") in Gehenna, him or Jacob?
- In 2004, it came to light that Chandler failed to report money he received from the group "Friends of Gene Chandler", which held an annual "Old-Fashioned Corn Roast" for the preceding ten years.
- The group was so large it took three turkeys and a roast pig to feed them all.
- It was up to him to be the first to cut off a piece of the roast beef in front of the "Römer" and bring it to the royal table.
- In the final scene, George's uncle Frank finally wins a $1 million prize from a radio contest (having been driven insane every summer for trying to win), but his phone gets disconnected and his prize is given away to someone else; he snaps and promptly uses a rocket launcher to blow up the radio station, and shortly thereafter the Stork twins arrive and head to the still-burning station to roast marshmallows.
- It was similarly reputed to be dull, like roast beef: but that dish was highly prized both in Britain and abroad, and few people could afford it; the "Roast Beef of Old England" lauded by William Hogarth in his 1748 painting celebrated the high quality of English cattle, which the French at the "Gate of Calais" (the other name of his painting) could only look at with envy.
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