 Übersetzung für 'running metre' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a running metre | running metres
running metre [Br.]laufender Meter {m}
running metre [Br.]laufendes Meter {n}
seven-metre throw [Br.] <7-metre throw, 7-m throw>
Siebenmeterwurf {m} <7-Meter-Wurf, 7-m-Wurf>
metre [Br.]
Versmaß {n}
metre [Br.]
Metrik {f}
metre [Br.]
Metrum {n}
asymmetrical metre [Br.]
asymmetrisches Metrum {n} [zusammengesetzte Taktart, z. B. 7/8]
asymmetrical metre [Br.]
asymmetrische Taktart {f} [z. B. 7/8]
additive metre [Br.]
additives Metrum {n}
Metre Convention [Br.]
Meterkonvention {f}
shelf metre [Br.]Regalmeter {m}
simple metre [Br.]
einfaches Metrum {n}
ballad metre [Br.]
Balladenform {f}
metre <m> [Br.]
Meter {m} [früher fachspr. auch {n}] <m>
common metre [Br.]
Vagantenstrophe {f} [vierzeilige Aufeinanderfolge von jambischen Tetra- und Trimetern]
linear metre [Br.]Laufmeter {m} <lfm, Lfm.>
triple metre [Br.]
Dreiertakt {m}
loading metre [Br.]
Lademeter {m}
by the metre {adv} [Br.]meterweise
a metre high {adj} [Br.]einen Meter hoch
a metre long {adj} [Br.]einen Meter lang
five-four metre [Br.]
Fünfvierteltakt {m}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The long jump and triple jump areas comprise a straight, narrow 40-metre running track with a sandpit at one or both ends.
  • Tropical trees, like coconut, and flowers of various species are planted on both sides of a 480-metre long promenade running parallel to it.
  • Its Hoogboom Military Camp hosted the Olympic trap and 100-metre running deer shooting events for the 1920 Summer Olympics in neighboring Antwerp.
  • Ten minutes after the catastrophic earthquake, those who tried to escape by running towards the open spaces of the coast were engulfed by a 10-metre-high tsunami.
  • It consists of a "class 2" eight-lane 400-metre running track and rugby field that has spectator seating for 1,335.

  • They lost their first semi final to Newcastle Knights but had a chance to remain in the running of the competition the week after only to give up a 24–6 lead to the Newtown Jets and lose in extra time 32-30 from a Daniel Mortimer 35-metre penalty goal.
  • It houses a 5,000 square metre field house containing a 200-metre indoor running track, a 25-metre swimming pool, a wading pool equipped with a winding water slide, and whirlpool and sauna facilities.
  • The stadium has been extended to host a 150-metre running track, physio room, and weight-lifting.
  • Due to the delay it was decided to split the four-week commissioning phase in two parts, with two weeks running up to July 4 and another two weeks in December 2005.
  • This is usually done by the trolleybus wires running continuously through the crossing, with the tram conductors a few centimetres lower.

  • The Titan armoured bridge layer is based on aspects of the Challenger 2 running gear and replaced the "Chieftain Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge" (ChAVLB).
  • She was comfortable running and winning races from either the front or the back.
  • He had the running and kicking skills of a backline player which made him extremely mobile and agile as a forward.
  • Related to mountaineering is trail running, where the Basque Country plays host to the popular Zegama-Aizkorri skyrunning races, held annually since 2002.
  • Running south-west from the village is Lydford Gorge, a 1.5-mile (2.4-km) wooded gorge which has been cut through the slate rock by the River Lyd.

  • The 800 metres, or meters (US spelling), is a common track running event.
  • Across the Boulevard François Mitterrand is the Jean Noel Fondere football and athletics stadium, renovated in 2010, it includes a 400-metre 6-lane running track with facilities for high jump; long jump; shot put; hammer, discus and javelin throwing and pole vaulting.
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