| NOUN1 | a running | runnings |
| NOUN2 | running | - |
| VERB | to run | ran | run running | runs |
| SYNO | functional | linear | operative | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- Free Running {n} = free running
- Front-Running {n} = front-running
- Running Gag {m} = running joke
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- The Hannover Marathon is the biggest running event in Hanover with more than 11,000 participants and usually around 200,000 spectators.
- Beside the government primary schools, Khwendo Kor NGO is running 15 schools, Elementary Education Foundation (EEF) is running 25 schools, ILO is running 7 schools and Non Formal Basic Education (NFBE) is running 95 schools.
- Through running north of Manchester ceased temporarily as part of a major timetable change in May 2018.
- is running for reelection. Another incumbent Board Member Glenda Bausas is not running, instead Armie Bausas is running her in place.
- The 2019 World Mountain Running Challenge was the 35th edition of the global Mountain running competition, World Mountain Running Championships, organised by the World Mountain Running Association.
- Nordic shooting with cross-country running or running biathlon ("Norwegian": skogsløp med skyting, "Swedish": springskytte, "Danish": terrænløb) is a biathlon sport which combines running and shooting.
- Tatry Running Tour is a stage structured trail running competition. It is organized mainly for running enthusiasts who would like to enhance their stay in the High Tatras.
- Previously it was thought that a running person (unlike running animals) uses the same energy whether they run a distance slowly or fast.
- He asserts that modern cushioned running shoes are a major cause of running injury, pointing to the thin sandals worn by Tarahumara runners, and the explosion of running-related injuries since the introduction of modern running shoes in 1972.
- Altrincham and District Athletics Club was founded in 1961 and provides training facilities for track and field, road running, cross-country running and fell running.
- Although flightless, the bird is capable of running quickly and has been recorded running at speeds up to [...]. It uses its wings when running fast to help it to balance.
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