| NOUN1 | a sample-and-hold circuit | sample-and-hold circuits |
| NOUN2 | a sample and hold circuit | sample and hold circuits |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
26 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- This is a special version of a sample-and-hold circuit.
- This same circuit can be used in discrete time systems (such as ADCs) as a sample and hold circuit.
- In order to obtain I-V curves simultaneously with a topograph, a sample-and-hold circuit is used in the feedback loop for the z piezo signal.
- In order to remove the blank intervals and improve the noise performance the full conversion to analog voltage of each successive N by the DAC described above may be held in a sample and hold circuit then passed to a delta-sigma converter to produce a stream of contiguous bursts each of which has its frequency proportional to its generating N.
- The "Woggle" on the Volca Modular is a sample and hold circuit, which provides random values via sampling pink noise.
- A typical sample and hold circuit stores electric charge in a capacitor and contains at least one switching device such as a FET (field effect transistor) switch and normally one operational amplifier.
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