 Übersetzung für 'sforzato' von Englisch nach Deutsch
sforzato <sf, sfz>
Sforzato {n} [plötzliche Betonung]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'sforzato' von Englisch nach Deutsch

sforzato <sf, sfz>
Sforzato {n} [plötzliche Betonung]mus.
  • Sforzato {n} [plötzliche Betonung] = sforzato <sf, sfz>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The entire piece is based on the same semiquaver motif, which springs from its opening strong sforzato accent to rapidly increase its volume and compass until ending abruptly on a strong sforzato climax.
  • Dobbiamo sforzarci di comprendere il dramma di chi, dopo aver ereditato una sconfitta militare e una disastrosa complicità con la dittatura, si è sforzato in questi mesi di lavorare con pazienza e buona volontà verso un futuro migliore.
  • Additionally there is an Amarone style DOCG wine called Sforzato (Sfursat).
  • As a formerly active pianist, he co-founded the chamber music ensemble Sforzato presenting extraordinary concerts combining music of all eras and regions.
  • Silent film mannerisms are still seen in Steiner's composition such as when actions or consequences are accompanied by a "sforzato" chord immediately before it, followed by silence.

  • Another way to indicate accented notes (notes to emphasize or play louder compared to surrounding notes) is with "sforzando", "sforzato", "forzando" or "forzato" (abbreviated [...] , [...] , or [...]) ("forcing" or "forced").
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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