 Übersetzung für 'sfumato' von Englisch nach Deutsch
sfumato {adj}
verschwimmend [Umrisse]
sfumato {adj}
ineinander übergehend [Farben]
Sfumato {n}
3 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'sfumato' von Englisch nach Deutsch

sfumato {adj}
verschwimmend [Umrisse]art

ineinander übergehend [Farben]art

Sfumato {n}arthist.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He is probably the artist who best capture the essence, sfumato, colour and quality that belong uniquely to Venetian paintings.
  • Chiaroscuro, sfumato, and silhouette are examples of artistic techniques which make deliberate use of shadow effects.
  • The word "sfumato" comes from the Italian language and is derived from "fumo" ("smoke", "fume").
  • Hall, which has gained considerable acceptance, chiaroscuro is one of four modes of painting colours available to Italian High Renaissance painters, along with "cangiante", sfumato and "unione".
  • This is apparent in the use of sfumato in the "Virgin and Child".

  • Francesco Furini (c. 1600 (or 1603) – August 19, 1646) was an Italian Baroque painter of Florence, noted for his sensual sfumato style in paintings of both secular and religious subjects.
  • His style follows the Emilian mannerism, characterized by the sfumato of colors and well rounded human bodies. Among his students were Simone Cantarini and Domenico Peruzzini.
  • Although this is the earliest known commissioned painting by Leonardo, it has been pointed out that the painting already bears characteristics that are described as demonstrating his signature work, the innovations he introduced in his paintings: sfumato and atmospheric perspective.
  • Jean-Jacques Henner (5 March 1829 – 23 July 1905) was a French painter, noted for his use of sfumato and chiaroscuro in painting nudes, religious subjects and portraits.
  • In Kolarić's works, the technique of sfumato is the dominating one, in which critics often compared him to Flemish masters.

  • Leherb, fascinated by painterly , the watercolour-like sfumato, and continued to realise ceramic reliefs and mosaics.
  • The composition and sfumato effect owe much to Corregio, particularly the latter's painting of the same subject now in the Louvre.
  • He is often compared with Ambrosius Benson (c. 1495–1550), a painter from Lombardy who emigrated to Bruges. He may have introduced the sfumato technique to Isenbrandt.
  • The painting features elements which were typical of both Titian and Giorgione: the sfumato contour of the figures and the inhomogeneous colors were common in the latter's works, while the robustness of the characters and their active participation to the event (differently than the quasi-dreaming contemplation of Giorgione) are a Titian hallmark.
  • one of the four modes of painting colours available to Italian High Renaissance painters, along with sfumato, chiaroscuro and unione.

  • Half a century later, the heads were repainted by a local artist who added a "sfumato" style influenced by that of Duccio di Buoninsegna, but different from Coppo's art.
  • In the oil paintings "Sunlit Hut", "Dumka-1", "Dumka-2" and "Dumka ShalForest" done in 1946, he applied the pigment in strokes like the Impressionists; and did not create sfumato by mixing paints.
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