 Übersetzung für 'sigma-field' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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sigma-field [σ-field, σ-algebra]
Sigma-Algebra {f} [σ-Algebra]
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Übersetzung für 'sigma-field' von Englisch nach Deutsch

sigma-field [σ-field, σ-algebra]
Sigma-Algebra {f} [σ-Algebra]math.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He served as a field representative for Ole Miss and was president of his fraternity, Sigma Nu.
  • Discovery within the field of particle physics has an accepted definition for what constitutes a discovery: a five-sigma level of certainty.
  • At California, he was a member of the teams that won the Citrus Bowl in 1991 and the Alamo Bowl in 1993. Off the field, he was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
  • The Sigma range was very successful in the niche real-time processing field, due to the sophisticated hardware interrupt structure and independent I/O processor.
  • It is a particularly important subject in the quality field, and is taught in many specialized courses including Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, and QFD.

  • If an algebra over a set is closed under countable unions (hence also under countable intersections), it is called a sigma algebra and the corresponding field of sets is called a measurable space.
  • A further application of teleparallelism occurs in quantum field theory, namely, two-dimensional non-linear sigma models with target space on simple geometric manifolds, whose renormalization behavior is controlled by a Ricci flow, which includes torsion.
  • The name comes from the fact that if a 2D conformal field theory is also a sigma model, it will satisfy these conditions if and only if its target space is compact.
  • The four real quantities [...] define the smallest nontrivial chiral multiplet and represent the field content of the linear sigma model.
  • Skelton was made an honorary brother of Phi Sigma Kappa at Truman State University.

  • By changing the schematic diagram for the supply chain, Six Sigma can ensure quality control on products (defect-free) and guarantee delivery deadlines, the two main issues in the supply chain.
  • 7x for Sigma's Foveon sensors and 2x for Kodak and Panasonic 4/3-inch sensors currently used by Olympus and Panasonic.
  • He is a member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.
  • This abstract interpretation is characteristic of all non-linear sigma models.
  • He was a quarterback at Eastern Illinois University, where he joined Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity.

  • The simplest theories in which T-duality arises are two-dimensional sigma models with circular target spaces, i.e.
  • By class field theory, this can only be true if there is an unramified extension of the field of "p"th roots of unity by a cyclic extension of degree "p" which behaves in the specified way under the action of Σ; Ribet proves this by actually constructing such an extension using methods in the theory of modular forms.
  • The first of these was the Sigma 4.5 [...] mm. Sunex also makes a 5.6 [...] mm fisheye lens that captures a circular 185° field of view on a 1.5x Nikon and 1.6x Canon DSLR cameras.
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