SYNO | sigmoid colon | sigmoid flexure |
24 Übersetzungen
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- The sigmoid colon begins at the superior aperture of the lesser pelvis, where it is continuous with the iliac colon, and passes transversely across the front of the sacrum to the right side of the pelvis.
- Unlike the vagina, which is closed off by the cervix, the rectum leads to the sigmoid colon.
- Thymoma, prostate adenoma, and in situ carcinoma of the sigmoid colon have also been found in patients with Morvan's Syndrome.
- The three most important mesenteries are mesentery for the small intestine, the transverse mesocolon, which attaches the back portion of the colon to the abdominal wall, and the sigmoid mesocolon which enfolds the sigmoid colon.
- Radiation colitis occurs after irradiation and often affects the rectum or sigmoid colon, similar to ulcerative colitis.
- The four sections of the colon are: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. These sections turn at the colic flexures.
- Pain in the lower-left quadrant can sometimes be confused with diverticulitis because the sigmoid colon overlaps the ureter, and the exact location of the pain may be difficult to isolate due to the proximity of these two structures.
- Not all of the diverticula-bearing colon must be removed, since diverticula proximal to the descending or sigmoid colon are unlikely to result in further symptoms.
- A perineal approach (or trans-perineal) refers to surgical access to the rectum and sigmoid colon via an incision around the anus and perineum (the area between the genitals and the anus).
- The sigmoid mesocolon is that region of the mesentery to which the sigmoid colon is attached at the gastrointestinal mesenteric margin.
- In mammals, it includes the distal one third of the transverse colon and the splenic flexure, the descending colon, sigmoid colon and up to the ano-rectal junction.
- Right anterior oblique (RAO) position is to view the caecum, ascending colon, right hepatic flexure and sigmoid colon without overlapping of other bowels.
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