| entom.T skin maggot fly [Cordylobia anthropophaga] | Tumbufliege {f} | |
Teiltreffer |
| entom. fly maggot | Fliegenlarve {f} | |
| entom.T sheep maggot-fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata] | Schafschmeißfliege {f} | |
| entom.T sheep maggot-fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata] | Goldfliege {f} | |
| entom.T apple maggot fly [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella] | Apfelfruchtfliege / Apfel-Fruchtfliege {f} | |
| entom.T apple maggot (fly) [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella] | Apfelfliege {f} | |
| entom. maggot | Made {f} 1294 | |
| maggot [archaic] | Marotte {f} 60 | |
| entom.med. maggot therapy | Madentherapie {f} | |
| entom.T little maggot | Mädchen {n} [auch Mädlein] [kleine Made] | |
| entom.T root maggot | Blumenfliege {f} | |
| maggot-eaten {adj} | madig | |
| entom.T cheese maggot [Piophila casei] | Käsewurm {m} | |
| entom.T apple maggot [Rhagoletis pomonella] | Apfelfruchtfliege {f} | |
| entom. cheese maggot [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| med. maggot debridement therapy <MDT> | biologisches Debridement {n} [Biochirurgie, Madentherapie] | |
| entom.T rice stem maggot [Chlorops oryzae] | Made {f} der Reishalmfliege | |
| idiom as mute as a maggot | stumm wie ein Fisch | |
| maggot [rare] [fantastic idea, whim] | Grille {f} [fig.] [verrückte Idee] 205 | |
| zool. maggot [larva of a dipterous insect] | Larve {f} [eines zweiflügeligen Insekts] 20 | |
| entom. rat-tailed maggot [larva of the dronefly Eristalis tenax] | Rattenschwanzlarve {f} [Larve der Mistbiene Eristalis tenax] | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- However, the maggots from the black blow fly are used in maggot therapy, a type of biotherapy involving the intentional introduction of live, disinfected maggots into the skin and soft tissue wound of a human or animal for the purpose of selectively cleaning out only the necrotic tissue to promote healing.
- Maggot therapy (also known as larval therapy) is a type of biotherapy involving the introduction of live, disinfected maggots (fly larvae) into non-healing skin and soft-tissue wounds of a human or other animal for the purpose of cleaning out the necrotic (dead) tissue within a wound (debridement), and disinfection.
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