SYNO | and so | and then | hence | ... |
| so {adv} | so 3680 | |
| someone {pron} <so.> [subject] | jemand <jd.> 2790 | |
| so {adv} {conj} | also [folglich] 1555 | |
| so {adv} | deshalb 495 | |
| so {conj} [in order that] | damit 371 | |
| so {adv} | daher 263 | |
| so {conj} | drum [ugs.] 215 | |
| so {conj} | darum 213 | |
| so {adv} | demnach 176 | |
| so {adv} | dermaßen 133 | |
| someone {pron} <so., s.o.> [indirect object] | jemandem <jdm.> 95 | |
| someone {pron} <so.> [direct object] | jemanden <jdn.> 65 | |
| so {conj} [and for this reason; therefore] | mithin {adv} [geh.] [somit, folglich] 28 | |
| someone's {pron} <so.'s> | jemandes <jds.> 24 | |
| so {adv} | somit 23 | |
| so {adv} [thus] | da [folglich] 9 | |
| so {conj} | derhalben [veraltet] [daher] 7 | |
| so {conj} [in order that] | auf dass [veraltend] | |
| So? [Am.] [coll.] | Na und? [ugs.] | |
| someone {pron} <so.> [female] [subject] | eine [jemand (weiblich)] | |
| someone {pron} <so.> [male] [subject] | einer [jemand (männlich)] | |
Substantive |
| geogr. Somalia <.so> | Somalia {n} 9 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| ..., so ... | ..., und damit ... | |
| Afraid so. [coll.] [I'm afraid so.] | Ich fürchte ja. | |
| and so {adv} {conj} | also | |
| even so {adv} | trotzdem | |
| even so {adv} | allerdings | |
| even so {adv} | selbst dann | |
| even so | (aber) dennoch | |
| even so {conj} | (aber) trotzdem | |
| even so {adv} [concessive] | immerhin [einräumend] | |
| even so [archaic] [that is correct] | so ist es | |
| Even so! [coll.] | Wenn auch! [ugs.] | |
| ever so | so ungemein | |
| ever so | ach so [ironisch] | |
| ever so {adv} [coll.] | sehr | |
| ever so {adv} [coll.] | unheimlich [ugs.] [sehr] | |
| How so? | Wieso? | |
| How so? | Wie das? | |
| if so {adv} | falls ja | |
| If so, ... | Wenn ja, ... | |
| If so, ... | Wenn dem so ist, ... | |
| If so, ... | Wenn dem so sein sollte, ... | |
| just so {adv} | so und nicht anders | |
| Just so. [That's exactly why] | Eben darum. | |
| justifiably so {adv} | mit gutem Recht | |
| Maybe (so). | Kann schon sein. | |
| oh so {adv} [preceding an adj. or adv.] | ach so [ironisch] | |
| or so {adv} | etwa | |
| or so {adv} | oder so | |
| or so {adv} [about] | schätzungsweise | |
| or so {adv} [coll.] | ungefähr [mehr oder weniger] | |
| or so {adv} [postpos.] [coll.] | so [ugs.] [ungefähr] | |
| Quite (so)! | Das stimmt! | |
| quite so | ganz recht | |
| rightly so {adv} | mit gutem Recht | |
| so ... (that) ... | so ..., dass ... | |
| so bad {adv} [coll.] [urgently] | ganz doll [ugs.] | |
| so bad {adv} [coll.] [urgently] | unbedingt [ganz dringend] | |
| so circumstanced | in solcher Lage | |
| so far {adv} | bisher | |
| so far {adv} | bislang | |
| so far {adv} | bisherig | |
| so far | bis jetzt | |
| so heavily {adv} | so sehr | |
| so heavily {adv} | so stark | |
| so heavily {adv} | dermaßen | |
| So long! [Am.] | Bis dann! | |
| So long! [Am.] | Mach's gut! | |
| So long! [Am.] | Auf Wiedersehen! | |
| So long! [Am.] | Tschüss! [ugs.] | |
| So long! [Am.] | Aufwiedersehn! [Rsv.] | |
| So long! [Am.] | Servus! [bayer.] [österr.] | |
| so many | so viele | |
| so much {adv} | derart | |
| so much | so sehr | |
| so much | so viel | |
| so much {adj} | lauter [ugs.] [nichts als] | |
| So shoot! [coll.] | Also schieß los! [ugs.] | |
| So so. | Teils, teils. [Teilweise gut, teilweise schlecht.] | |
| so that {conj} | sodass | |
| so that {conj} | sodaß [alt] | |
| so that {conj} | auf dass [veraltend] | |
| so that {conj} [in order that] | damit | |
| so that {conj} [with the result that] | sodass / so dass | |
| So true! | Wie wahr! | |
| So true! | Wohl wahr! | |
| So true! | Sehr wahr! | |
| so very | ja so [ugs.] | |
| So what? [coll.] | Was soll's? [ugs.] | |
| So what? [coll.] | Na wenn schon. [ugs.] | |
| idiom So what? [coll.] | Na und? [ugs.] | |
| so-called {adj} [alleged] | angeblich | |
| so-called {adj} [attr.] | sogenannt <sog., sogen.> | |
| so-called {adj} [attr.] | so genannt <s. g.> [seltener] [sogenannt] | |
| so-named {adj} [attr.] [commonly named] | sogenannt <sog., sogen.> | |
| so-so {adj} | mittelmäßig | |
| so-so {adj} | durchwachsen [fig.] | |
| so-so {adj} | durchzogen [schweiz.] [mittelmäßig] | |
| so-so {adj} {adv} [coll.] | so la la [ugs.] | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'so' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- so {adv}
- so
- someone {pron} <so.> [subject]
- jemand <jd.>
- so {adv} {conj}
- also [folglich]
- so {conj} [in order that]
- damit
- so {conj}
- drum [ugs.]
derhalben [veraltet] [daher]
- someone {pron} <so., s.o.> [indirect object]
- jemandem <jdm.>
- someone {pron} <so.> [direct object]
- jemanden <jdn.>
- so {conj} [and for this reason; therefore]
- mithin {adv} [geh.] [somit, folglich]
- someone's {pron} <so.'s>
- jemandes <jds.>
- so {adv} [thus]
- da [folglich]
- so {conj} [in order that]
- auf dass [veraltend]
- So? [Am.] [coll.]
- Na und? [ugs.]
- someone {pron} <so.> [female] [subject]
- eine [jemand (weiblich)]
- someone {pron} <so.> [male] [subject]
- einer [jemand (männlich)]
- Somalia <.so>
- Somalia {n}geogr.
- ..., so ...
- ..., und damit ...
- Afraid so. [coll.] [I'm afraid so.]
- Ich fürchte ja.
- and so {adv} {conj}
- also
- even so {adv}
- trotzdem
selbst dann
- even so
- (aber) dennoch
- even so {conj}
- (aber) trotzdem
- even so {adv} [concessive]
- immerhin [einräumend]
- even so [archaic] [that is correct]
- so ist es
- Even so! [coll.]
- Wenn auch! [ugs.]
- ever so
- so ungemein
ach so [ironisch]
- ever so {adv} [coll.]
- sehr
unheimlich [ugs.] [sehr]
- How so?
- Wieso?
Wie das?
- if so {adv}
- falls ja
- If so, ...
- Wenn ja, ...
Wenn dem so ist, ...
Wenn dem so sein sollte, ...
- just so {adv}
- so und nicht anders
- Just so. [That's exactly why]
- Eben darum.
- justifiably so {adv}
- mit gutem Recht
- Maybe (so).
- Kann schon sein.
- oh so {adv} [preceding an adj. or adv.]
- ach so [ironisch]
- or so {adv}
- etwa
oder so
- or so {adv} [about]
- schätzungsweise
- or so {adv} [coll.]
- ungefähr [mehr oder weniger]
- or so {adv} [postpos.] [coll.]
- so [ugs.] [ungefähr]
- Quite (so)!
- Das stimmt!
- quite so
- ganz recht
- rightly so {adv}
- mit gutem Recht
- so ... (that) ...
- so ..., dass ...
- so bad {adv} [coll.] [urgently]
- ganz doll [ugs.]
unbedingt [ganz dringend]
- so circumstanced
- in solcher Lage
- so far {adv}
- bisher
- so far
- bis jetzt
- so heavily {adv}
- so sehr
so stark
- So long! [Am.]
- Bis dann!
Mach's gut!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Tschüss! [ugs.]
Aufwiedersehn! [Rsv.]
Servus! [bayer.] [österr.]
- so many
- so viele
- so much {adv}
- derart
- so much
- so sehr
so viel
- so much {adj}
- lauter [ugs.] [nichts als]
- So shoot! [coll.]
- Also schieß los! [ugs.]
- So so.
- Teils, teils. [Teilweise gut, teilweise schlecht.]
- so that {conj}
- sodass
sodaß [alt]
auf dass [veraltend]
- so that {conj} [in order that]
- damit
- so that {conj} [with the result that]
- sodass / so dass
- So true!
- Wie wahr!
Wohl wahr!
Sehr wahr!
- so very
- ja so [ugs.]
- So what? [coll.]
- Was soll's? [ugs.]
Na wenn schon. [ugs.]
Na und? [ugs.]idiom
- so-called {adj} [alleged]
- angeblich
- so-called {adj} [attr.]
- sogenannt <sog., sogen.>
so genannt <s. g.> [seltener] [sogenannt]
- so-named {adj} [attr.] [commonly named]
- sogenannt <sog., sogen.>
- so-so {adj}
- mittelmäßig
durchwachsen [fig.]
durchzogen [schweiz.] [mittelmäßig]
- so-so {adj} {adv} [coll.]
- so la la [ugs.]
- Sonntag {m} <So., Son., Sonnt.> = Sunday <Sun., Su.>
- so = so
- so = thus [in this way, like this]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- With the assistance of the god Hermes (Argeiphontes), Hector's father Priam goes to Achilles' tent to plead with Achilles for the return of Hector's body so that he can be buried.
- Multiplying all observations by a constant does not alter significance. So ANOVA statistical significance result is independent of constant bias and scaling errors as well as the units used in expressing observations.
- according to Bemer, "so much so that the code that was to become ASCII was first called the "Bemer–Ross Code" in Europe".
- In May 2011, the Academy sent a letter advising its 6,000 or so voting members that an online system for Oscar voting would be implemented in 2013.
- In contrast, if the entire Earth was covered by water – a so-called ocean planet – the average temperature on the planet would rise to almost [...].
- The melting points of the alkanes follow a similar trend to boiling points for the same reason as outlined above.
- The council also approves the annual budget of the principality.
- Soon after his return, Apollo needed to recruit people to Delphi.
- The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is the largest general astronomical society in the world, comprising both professional and amateur astronomers as well as educators from 70 different nations.
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