| NOUN | a spot | spots |
| VERB | to spot | spotted | spotted spotting | spots |
| SYNO | berth | billet | bit | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| comm. spot {adv} | sofort lieferbar | |
| comm.fin. spot {adv} | sofort zahlbar [bei Lieferung] | |
Verben |
| to spot sth. [discover] | etw. entdecken 2061 | |
| to spot sth. [discover] | etw.Akk. herausfinden 942 | |
| to spot sb./sth. [catch sight] | jdn./etw. erspähen [geh.] 600 | |
| to spot sb./sth. [discover, catch sight] | jdn./etw. erkennen [entdecken, wahrnehmen] 582 | |
| to spot sb./sth. [catch sight of] | jdn./etw. erblicken [geh.] 245 | |
| to spot sb./sth. [detect or discern, esp. in the distance] | 229 jdn./etw. ausmachen [entdecken, (in der Ferne) erkennen] | |
| to spot sb. [perceive] | jdn. sehen [erblicken, in der Menge entdecken] 176 | |
| to spot sb./sth. [sight] | jdn./etw. sichten 100 | |
| to spot sth. [blemish, defile] | etw. beflecken 85 | |
| to spot [leave spots; e.g.: Hard water will spot.] | 73 flecken [regional] [selten] [Flecken machen; z. B.: Rotwein fleckt.] | |
| to spot sb./sth. [locate] | jdn./etw. orten 65 | |
| to spot sb. sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to lend sb. sth. (money, esp. a small amount of it)] | jdm. etw. leihen [Geld, bes. eine kleinere Summe] 57 | |
| to spot sth. [dot] | etw. tüpfeln 23 | |
| to spot [take spots (easily); e.g.: Silk spots easily.] | 5 flecken [regional] [selten] [(leicht) Flecken annehmen; z. B.: Seide fleckt leicht.] | |
| to spot sb./sth. [discover, locate] | jdn./etw. ausfindig machen | |
Substantive |
| spot | Fleck {m} 1713 | |
| spot | Punkt {m} [kreisrunder Fleck, Stelle] 656 | |
| spot | Stelle {f} 377 | |
| spot [pimple] | Pickel {m} [im Gesicht] 270 | |
| spot [e.g. pleasant spot] | Gegend {f} [Fleckchen] 259 | |
| spot | Platz {m} [Ort] 239 | |
| spot [location] | Ort {m} 169 | |
| spot | Tupfen {m} 56 | |
| spot [particular place or point] | Plätzchen {n} [Stelle, Ort] 53 | |
| spot [blemish on sb.'s character or reputation] | Makel {m} [geh.] [Schandfleck] 47 | |
| spot [of dirt] | Schmutzflecken {m} 28 | |
| sports spot [football] | Elfmeterpunkt {m} 27 | |
| spot [pustule] | Pustel {f} 26 | |
| spot [eyesore, blemish] | Schandfleck {m} [optisch] 24 | |
| spot [Br.] [pimple] | Wimmerl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] 20 | |
| spot [stigma, mark of shame] | Schandmal {n} 18 | |
| stocks spot | Lokomarkt {m} 16 | |
| sports spot [penalty spot] [football / soccer] | Elfmetermarke {f} 5 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| spot-on {adj} [Br.] [coll.] | haargenau [ugs.] | |
| spot-on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.] | goldrichtig [ugs.] | |
| spot-on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.] | genau ins Schwarze [ugs.] | |
| spot-on {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [exactly] | wie gespuckt [ugs.] [haargenau] | |
| Spot-on. [Br.] [coll.] | Stimmt haargenau. [ugs.] | |
| tech. spot-welded {adj} | punktgeschweißt | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| fin. to buy spot | per Kasse kaufen | |
| to spot out | wegretuschieren | |
| to spot turn | auf der Stelle wenden | |
| to spot-check | stichprobenartig prüfen | |
| to spot-face | anflachen | |
| to spot-face | anfräsen | |
| to spot-repair sth. | etw. ausbessern | |
| tech. to spot-weld | punktschweißen | |
| tech. to spot-weld sth. | etw.Akk. anpunkten | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| sports (penalty) spot [football / soccer] | Strafpunkt {m} [Elfmeterpunkt] | |
| actual spot | tatsächliche Stelle {f} | |
| RadioTVmarket. advertising spot | Werbespot {m} | |
| cosmet.med. age spot | Altersfleck {m} | |
| bad spot | Fehlstelle {f} | |
| bald spot | kahle Stelle {f} | |
| bald spot | Laufflächenauswaschung {f} | |
| beauty spot | Schönheitsmal {n} | |
| beauty spot | Schönheitsfleck {m} | |
| beauty spot | Kleinod {n} [Ort] | |
| beauty spot | Leberfleck {m} [ugs.] [Schönheitsfleck, natürlich oder aufgemalt, bes. auf der Wange] | |
| beauty spot [Br.] [place known for its beautiful scenery] | schönes Fleckchen {n} (Erde) | |
| beauty spot [Br.] [place known for its beautiful scenery] | herrliches Fleckchen {n} (Erde) | |
| beauty spot [place] | schöne Gegend {f} | |
| beauty-spot | schöner Ort {m} in der Landschaft | |
| med. Bitot spot | Bitot-Fleck {m} | |
| black spot | Schandfleck {m} | |
| black spot | schwarzer Fleck {m} | |
| black spot [Br.] [place on a road where accidents frequently occur] | Unfallschwerpunkt {m} | |
| black spot [Br.] [place on a road where accidents frequently occur] | Unfallhäufungsstelle {f} <UHS> | |
| bleeding spot | Blutungsstelle {f} | |
| blind spot | blinder Fleck {m} | |
| automot. blind spot | toter Winkel {m} | |
| telecom. blind spot | tote Zone {f} | |
| telecom. blind spot | toter Punkt {m} | |
| blind spot [difficulty, weakness] | Schwachpunkt {m} | |
| anat.biol. blind spot [Punctum caecum, Punctum cecum] | Blinder Fleck {m} | |
| blood spot | Blutfleck {m} | |
| bright spot | Lichtblick {m} | |
| bright spot | Leuchtfleck {m} | |
| bright spot | heller Fleck {m} | |
| med. Brushfield spot [also: Brushfield's spot] | Brushfield-Fleck {m} | |
| burnt spot | Brandstelle {f} [Spritzfehler] | |
| sports center spot [Am.] [football / soccer] | Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)] | |
| centre spot [Br.] | Mittelstelle {f} | |
| sports centre spot [Br.] [football / soccer] | Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)] | |
| sports centre spot [Br.] [football] | Anstoßpunkt {m} | |
| chafed spot | gewärmte Stelle {f} | |
| cold spot | kalte Stelle {f} | |
| spec. cold spot | Cold Spot {m} | |
| color spot [Am.] | Farbfleck {m} | |
| color spot [Am.] | Farbflecken {m} | |
| colour spot [Br.] | Farbfleck {m} | |
| colour spot [Br.] | Farbflecken {m} | |
| commanding spot | beherrschender Punkt {m} | |
| commercial spot | Werbesendung {f} | |
| med. confetti spot | Konfetti-Flecken {m} [auch: Konfettiflecken] | |
| materialtech. corrosion spot | Fraßstelle {f} [Korrosion] | |
| damaged spot | Schadenstelle {f} | |
| danger spot | Schwachstelle {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'spot' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- spot {adv}
- sofort lieferbarcomm.
sofort zahlbar [bei Lieferung]comm.fin.
- to spot sth. [discover]
- etw. entdecken
etw.Akk. herausfinden
- to spot sb./sth. [catch sight]
- jdn./etw. erspähen [geh.]
- to spot sb./sth. [discover, catch sight]
- jdn./etw. erkennen [entdecken, wahrnehmen]
- to spot sb./sth. [catch sight of]
- jdn./etw. erblicken [geh.]
- to spot sb./sth. [detect or discern, esp. in the distance]
- jdn./etw. ausmachen [entdecken, (in der Ferne) erkennen]
- to spot sb. [perceive]
- jdn. sehen [erblicken, in der Menge entdecken]
- to spot sb./sth. [sight]
- jdn./etw. sichten
- to spot sth. [blemish, defile]
- etw. beflecken
- to spot [leave spots; e.g.: Hard water will spot.]
- flecken [regional] [selten] [Flecken machen; z. B.: Rotwein fleckt.]
- to spot sb./sth. [locate]
- jdn./etw. orten
- to spot sb. sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to lend sb. sth. (money, esp. a small amount of it)]
- jdm. etw. leihen [Geld, bes. eine kleinere Summe]
- to spot sth. [dot]
- etw. tüpfeln
- to spot [take spots (easily); e.g.: Silk spots easily.]
- flecken [regional] [selten] [(leicht) Flecken annehmen; z. B.: Seide fleckt leicht.]
- to spot sb./sth. [discover, locate]
- jdn./etw. ausfindig machen
- spot
- Fleck {m}
Punkt {m} [kreisrunder Fleck, Stelle]
Stelle {f}
Platz {m} [Ort]
Tupfen {m}
Lokomarkt {m}stocks
- spot [pimple]
- Pickel {m} [im Gesicht]
- spot [e.g. pleasant spot]
- Gegend {f} [Fleckchen]
- spot [location]
- Ort {m}
- spot [particular place or point]
- Plätzchen {n} [Stelle, Ort]
- spot [blemish on sb.'s character or reputation]
- Makel {m} [geh.] [Schandfleck]
- spot [of dirt]
- Schmutzflecken {m}
- spot [football]
- Elfmeterpunkt {m}sports
- spot [pustule]
- Pustel {f}
- spot [eyesore, blemish]
- Schandfleck {m} [optisch]
- spot [Br.] [pimple]
- Wimmerl {n} [österr.] [bayer.]
- spot [stigma, mark of shame]
- Schandmal {n}
- spot [penalty spot] [football / soccer]
- Elfmetermarke {f}sports
- spot-on {adj} [Br.] [coll.]
- haargenau [ugs.]
- spot-on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.]
- goldrichtig [ugs.]
- spot-on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.]
- genau ins Schwarze [ugs.]
- spot-on {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [exactly]
- wie gespuckt [ugs.] [haargenau]
- Spot-on. [Br.] [coll.]
- Stimmt haargenau. [ugs.]
- spot-welded {adj}
- punktgeschweißttech.
- to buy spot
- per Kasse kaufenfin.
- to spot out
- wegretuschieren
- to spot turn
- auf der Stelle wenden
- to spot-check
- stichprobenartig prüfen
- to spot-face
- anflachen
- to spot-repair sth.
- etw. ausbessern
- to spot-weld
- punktschweißentech.
- to spot-weld sth.
- etw.Akk. anpunktentech.
- (penalty) spot [football / soccer]
- Strafpunkt {m} [Elfmeterpunkt]sports
- actual spot
- tatsächliche Stelle {f}
- advertising spot
- Werbespot {m}RadioTVmarket.
- age spot
- Altersfleck {m}cosmet.med.
- bad spot
- Fehlstelle {f}
- bald spot
- kahle Stelle {f}
Laufflächenauswaschung {f}
- beauty spot
- Schönheitsmal {n}
Schönheitsfleck {m}
Kleinod {n} [Ort]
Leberfleck {m} [ugs.] [Schönheitsfleck, natürlich oder aufgemalt, bes. auf der Wange]
- beauty spot [Br.] [place known for its beautiful scenery]
- schönes Fleckchen {n} (Erde)
herrliches Fleckchen {n} (Erde)
- beauty spot [place]
- schöne Gegend {f}
- beauty-spot
- schöner Ort {m} in der Landschaft
- Bitot spot
- Bitot-Fleck {m}med.
- black spot
- Schandfleck {m}
schwarzer Fleck {m}
- black spot [Br.] [place on a road where accidents frequently occur]
- Unfallschwerpunkt {m}
Unfallhäufungsstelle {f} <UHS>
- bleeding spot
- Blutungsstelle {f}
- blind spot
- blinder Fleck {m}
toter Winkel {m}automot.
tote Zone {f}telecom.
toter Punkt {m}telecom.
- blind spot [difficulty, weakness]
- Schwachpunkt {m}
- blind spot [Punctum caecum, Punctum cecum]
- Blinder Fleck {m}anat.biol.
- blood spot
- Blutfleck {m}
- bright spot
- Lichtblick {m}
Leuchtfleck {m}
heller Fleck {m}
- Brushfield spot [also: Brushfield's spot]
- Brushfield-Fleck {m}med.
- burnt spot
- Brandstelle {f} [Spritzfehler]
- center spot [Am.] [football / soccer]
- Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)]sports
- centre spot [Br.]
- Mittelstelle {f}
- centre spot [Br.] [football / soccer]
- Mittelpunkt {m} [Anstoßpunkt (Fußballfeld)]sports
- centre spot [Br.] [football]
- Anstoßpunkt {m}sports
- chafed spot
- gewärmte Stelle {f}
- cold spot
- kalte Stelle {f}
Cold Spot {m}spec.
- color spot [Am.]
- Farbfleck {m}
Farbflecken {m}
- colour spot [Br.]
- Farbfleck {m}
Farbflecken {m}
- commanding spot
- beherrschender Punkt {m}
- commercial spot
- Werbesendung {f}
- confetti spot
- Konfetti-Flecken {m} [auch: Konfettiflecken]med.
- corrosion spot
- Fraßstelle {f} [Korrosion]materialtech.
- damaged spot
- Schadenstelle {f}
- danger spot
- Schwachstelle {f}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- on the spot at the top of the table (the black spot).
- Ukraine's ranking in Reporters Without Borders's Press Freedom Index has in the latest years been around the 90th spot (89 in 2009, 87 in 2008), while it occupied the 112th spot in 2002 and even the 132nd spot in 2004.
- "Cercospora capsici" is a fungal plant pathogen that causes leaf spot, known as frogeye spot, on peppers.
- The spot was re-released as a 60-second piece during Super Bowl XLIX.
- The Minerva Hills Volcanics is a remnant of Oligocene hot spot volcanism known as the Cosgrove Hot Spot. This hot spot forms the longest continental hot spot track on earth.
- Dachengshan Scenic Spot (...) is a provincial-level scenic spot in southeastern Lengshuijiang.
- Mishraki was given the 72nd spot on Shas's electoral list ahead of the 2015 election.
- Includes information about the spot itself, including the user that posted the spot, the date and time a spot was created, as well as the number of views, downloads, and comments a spot has generated.
- The wings are cupreous brown, the forewings with a hyaline white spot below the median nervure at the origin of vein 2 and a more prominent small quadrate spot beyond the dark discoidal spot.
- Oceania gave up their spot, a team from Europe (Serbia) replaced its spot.
- At the U.S. Olympic Trials, she ran 15:10.62, initially securing the 3rd spot for the 5,000m, but ended up with the second spot after Molly Huddle gave up her top spot to focus on the 10,000m.
- Halo blight, bacterial leaf spot, and tan spot are significant bacterial diseases.
- There is a discal spot, a rounded dark broad spot, a rectangular dark brown spot and a slightly transparent cream spot.
- Forewing on the under surface either without white cell spot, or the spot small, not extending transversely across the cell.
- Austria declined their second spot in the four men event. Australia takes this spot instead.
- Forewings blackish ; a basal spot, a bent fascia before middle,a tornal spot, and opposite costal spot yellow-whitish.
- The forewings are blackish-fuscous with orange-ochreous spots.
- Depending on the foul, the spot where the penalty is enforced may be at the spot of the foul; the previous spot (the line of scrimmage where the down began); the spot of the snap, fumble or backwards pass; or the succeeding spot (the line of scrimmage of the next down).
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