 Übersetzung für 'spotted hyena' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a spotted hyena | spotted hyenas / [also] spotted hyena
SYNO Crocuta crocuta | laughing hyena | spotted hyena
Ice Age spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta spelaea] [extinct]
Höhlenhyäne {f} [ausgestorben]
spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Tüpfelhyäne {f}
spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Fleckenhyäne {f}
Hyäne {f}
hyena {pl} [rare]
Hyänen {pl}
baby hyena
Hyänenbaby {n} [auch: Hyänen-Baby]
hyena skull
Hyänenschädel {m} [auch: Hyänen-Schädel]
female hyena
Hyänenweibchen {n} [auch: Hyänen-Weibchen]
male hyena
Hyänenmännchen {n} [auch: Hyänen-Männchen]
hyena men [Gadawan Kura]Hyänen-Menschen {pl}
to laugh like a hyena [idiom]wie ein Huhn gackern [Redewendung]
spotted-scaled / spotted-scale sea perch [Aus.] [Lutjanus johnii] [John's snapper]
(Johns) Schnapper {m}
brown hyena [Hyaena brunnea, syn.: Parahyaena brunnea]
Schabrackenhyäne {f}
brown hyena [Hyaena brunnea, syn.: Parahyaena brunnea]
Strandwolf {m}
brown hyena [Hyaena brunnea, syn.: Parahyaena brunnea]
Braune Hyäne {f}
seven-spotted ladybug <7-spotted ladybug, C-7> [Am.] [Coccinella septempunctata]
Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <7-Punkt-Marienkäfer>
cave hyena [Crocuta crocuta spelaea] [extinct]
Höhlenhyäne {f} [ausgestorben]
two-spotted lady beetle <2-spotted lady beetle> [Adalia bipunctata]
Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <2-Punkt-Marienkäfer>
laughing hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Fleckenhyäne {f}
striped hyena [Hyaena hyaena]
Streifenhyäne {f}
laughing hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Tüpfelhyäne {f}
lesser-spotted / lesser spotted dogfish [Scyliorhinus canicula]
Kleingefleckter Katzenhai {m}
heath spotted-orchid / spotted orchid [Dactylorhiza maculata]
Flecken-Fingerwurz {f}
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'spotted hyena' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Ice Age spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta spelaea] [extinct]
Höhlenhyäne {f} [ausgestorben]zool.T
spotted hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Tüpfelhyäne {f}zool.T

Fleckenhyäne {f}zool.T

Hyäne {f}zool.T
hyena {pl} [rare]
Hyänen {pl}zool.T
baby hyena
Hyänenbaby {n} [auch: Hyänen-Baby]zool.
hyena skull
Hyänenschädel {m} [auch: Hyänen-Schädel]zool.
female hyena
Hyänenweibchen {n} [auch: Hyänen-Weibchen]zool.
male hyena
Hyänenmännchen {n} [auch: Hyänen-Männchen]zool.
hyena men [Gadawan Kura]
Hyänen-Menschen {pl}
to laugh like a hyena [idiom]
wie ein Huhn gackern [Redewendung]
spotted-scaled / spotted-scale sea perch [Aus.] [Lutjanus johnii] [John's snapper]
(Johns) Schnapper {m}fishT
brown hyena [Hyaena brunnea, syn.: Parahyaena brunnea]
Schabrackenhyäne {f}zool.T

Strandwolf {m}zool.T

Braune Hyäne {f}zool.T
seven-spotted ladybug <7-spotted ladybug, C-7> [Am.] [Coccinella septempunctata]
Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <7-Punkt-Marienkäfer>entom.T
cave hyena [Crocuta crocuta spelaea] [extinct]
Höhlenhyäne {f} [ausgestorben]zool.T
two-spotted lady beetle <2-spotted lady beetle> [Adalia bipunctata]
Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <2-Punkt-Marienkäfer>entom.T
laughing hyena [Crocuta crocuta]
Fleckenhyäne {f}zool.T

Tüpfelhyäne {f}zool.T
striped hyena [Hyaena hyaena]
Streifenhyäne {f}zool.T
lesser-spotted / lesser spotted dogfish [Scyliorhinus canicula]
Kleingefleckter Katzenhai {m}fishT
heath spotted-orchid / spotted orchid [Dactylorhiza maculata]
Flecken-Fingerwurz {f}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The spotted hyena, another species of animal, was also known as the laughing hyena because of the way it sounds like when it communicates.
  • The four extant species are the striped hyena ("Hyaena hyaena"), the brown hyena ("Parahyaena brunnea"), the spotted hyena ("Crocuta crocuta"), and the aardwolf ("Proteles cristata").
  • Since the beginning of the project, aerial surveys of wildlife have shown sharp increases in the number of large animals. Spotted hyena reintroductions begain in July 2022.
  • The female spotted hyena has a unique urinary-genital system, closely resembling the penis of the male, called a pseudo-penis.
  • There is also a spotted hyena exhibit, outside the "Tropical Forest", that is not part of any major area.

  • A binturong shows off its ability to hang upside down with its prehensile tail, a spotted hyena displays its powerful jaws and otters spread awareness to recycle reusable items.
  • Common in the area are hartebeest ("Alcelaphus buselaphus"), spotted hyena ("Crocuta crocuta"), and jackals.
  • Black-backed jackal pups are vulnerable to African wolf, honey badger, spotted hyena and brown hyena.
  • "Crocuta" is a genus of hyena containing the largest living member of the family, the spotted hyena "(Crocuta crocuta)". Several fossil species are known as well.
  • Although the dentition is overall smaller than that of the spotted hyena, the upper molar of the striped hyena is far larger.

  • Shere Khan appears once again as a villain in the 1998 film "The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story", where he is voiced by Sherman Howard and accompanied by his sidekick Tabaqui, who in this version is a spotted hyena.
  • The Maasai Mara is a major research centre for the spotted hyena.
  • Transformation of field and pastureland represents the main threat to the hamadryas baboon; its only natural predators are the striped hyena, spotted hyena, and a diminishing number of African leopards that can still be found in the same area of distribution.
  • study concluded, "The basic anatomical structures of the corporeal bodies in both sexes of humans and spotted hyenas were similar.
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