Übersetzung für '
staff' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN1 | staff [building material] | - |
| NOUN2 | - | staff [employees; group of officers] [sg or pl in construction] |
| NOUN3 | a staff [music] | staves |
| NOUN4 | a staff [stick] | staffs / staves |
| VERB | to staff | staffed | staffed staffing | staffs |
| SYNO | faculty | staff | stave |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| jobs to staff | besetzen [Personal] 506 | |
| to staff | mit einem Stab versehen | |
Substantive |
| staff | Personal {n} 4255 | |
| staff | Belegschaft {f} 2160 | |
| jobs staff {sg} | Mitarbeiter {pl} 1241 | |
| staff {sg} | Angestellte {pl} 717 | |
| staff [stick, rod] [also mil.] | Stab {m} [auch mil.] 351 | |
| staff | Stange {f} 99 | |
| econ. staff | Mitarbeiterstab {m} 92 | |
| staff | Personalbestand {m} 52 | |
| staff | Dienerschaft {f} 50 | |
| mus. staff {sg} | Notenlinien {pl} 47 | |
| staff [stick, rod] | Stock {m} [Stab] 45 | |
| mus. staff | Liniensystem {n} 36 | |
| econ.jobs staff | Humanmaterial {n} [ugs.] [pej.] 7 | |
| staff | Stecken {m} [regional] [Stock, Stab] | |
| law staff | (personelle) Besetzung {f} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| staff-operated {adj} [e.g. sale] | personalbedient [z. B. Verkauf] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| jobs to downsize staff | den Personalbestand verringern | |
| jobs to slash staff [fig.] | Personal abbauen | |
| educ.jobs to upskill staff | die Qualifikationen der Mitarbeiter ausbauen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| educ. (teaching) staff | Lehrerkollegium {n} | |
| acad.educ. (teaching) staff [school, university, etc.] | Kollegium {n} | |
| relig. abbatial staff [crozier] | Abtsstab {m} | |
| acad.educ. academic staff | Lehrkörper {m} | |
| traffic accompanying staff [on trains, airplanes, etc.] | Begleitpersonal {n} [in Zügen, Flugzeugen etc.] | |
| additional staff | zusätzliche Belegschaft {f} | |
| admin staff [coll.] | Administrationspersonal {n} | |
| jobs admin staff [coll.] | Verwaltungspersonal {n} | |
| administrative staff | Verwaltungspersonal {n} | |
| administrative staff | Verwaltungsbelegschaft {f} | |
| admin. administrative staff | Verwaltungsstab {m} | |
| administrative staff {sg} | Verwaltungskräfte {pl} | |
| administrative staff {sg} | Verwaltungsangestellte {pl} | |
| admin. administrative staff {sg} | Verwaltungsmitarbeiter {pl} [Belegschaft] | |
| admiral's staff | Admiralsstab {m} | |
| advance staff | Vorauskommando {n} | |
| med.pharm. Aesculapian staff | Äskulapstab {m} | |
| aviat.jobs airline staff {sg} | Airline-Mitarbeiter {pl} | |
| aviat.jobs airport staff | Flughafenbedienstete {pl} | |
| all staff | die ganze Belegschaft {f} | |
| ancillary staff | Hilfspersonal {n} | |
| ancillary staff | Aushilfsbelegschaft {f} | |
| jobstech. assembly staff [treated as sg. or pl.] | Montagepersonal {n} | |
| jobs back staff {sg} | Hilfskräfte {pl} | |
| watches balance staff | Unruhwelle {f} | |
| jobs bank staff [Br.] | Aushilfskraft {f} auf Abruf | |
| bank staff {sg} | Bankangestellte {pl} | |
| beggar's staff | Bettelstab {m} | |
| sports bo (staff) [Japanese martial arts] | Bō {m} [japanischer Langstock] [Kampfsportwaffe] | |
| cabin staff | Bordpersonal {n} | |
| pol. campaign staff | Wahlkampfteam {n} | |
| pol. campaign's staff | Wahlkampfteam {n} | |
| catering staff [treated as pl.] | Catering-Mitarbeiter {pl} | |
| chancellery staff | Bürobelegschaft {f} | |
| comm.jobs checkout staff | Kassenpersonal {n} | |
| mil. civilian staff {sg} | Zivilbeschäftigte {pl} | |
| jobsmil. civilian staff {sg} [employees, collectively regarded] | Zivilangestellte {pl} | |
| cleaning staff | Reinigungspersonal {n} | |
| jobs cleaning staff | Putzpersonal {n} | |
| clerical staff | Büropersonal {n} | |
| clerical staff | Bürobelegschaft {f} | |
| sports coaching staff | Trainerstab {m} | |
| sports coaching staff {sg} | technische Betreuer {pl} [Trainerstab] | |
| mil. combined staff | multinationaler Stab {m} | |
| pol. commission staff {sg} | Kommissionsmitarbeiter {pl} | |
| comp.jobs computer staff | Computerpersonal {n} | |
| jobs contract staff {sg} | Leiharbeiter {pl} | |
| coordination staff | Koordinierungsstab {m} [Polizei, Militär etc.] | |
| law correctional staff {sg} [usually treated as pl.] [esp. Am.] | Justizvollzugsbeamte {pl} | |
| jobs council staff {sg} [Br.] | kommunale Beschäftigte {pl} | |
| counter staff | Schalterpersonal {n} | |
| jobs court staff | Hofpersonal {n} | |
| astron.hist.naut. cross-staff [Jacob's staff] | Kreuzstab {m} | |
| jobs custodial staff | Reinigungspersonal {n} | |
| jobs domestic staff [treated as sg. or pl.] | Hauspersonal {n} | |
| jobs domestic staff {sg} | Hausangestellte {pl} | |
| editorial staff | Schriftleitung {f} | |
| journ. editorial staff | Redaktionsteam {n} | |
| journ. editorial staff | Redaktion {f} [Mitarbeiter] | |
| jobsjourn. editorial staff | Belegschaft {f} der Redaktion | |
| publ. editorial staff | Redaktionspersonal {n} | |
| embassy staff | Botschaftspersonal {n} | |
| estate staff {sg} [Br.] | Gutsbedienstete {pl} | |
| executive staff | Führungsstab {m} | |
| executive staff {sg} | leitende Angestellte {pl} | |
| comm. exhibition staff | Messepersonal {n} | |
| experienced staff {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.] | erfahrene Mitarbeiter {pl} | |
| expert staff | Fachpersonal {n} | |
| ind.jobs factory staff {sg} | Fabrikmitarbeiter {pl} | |
| field staff | Stab {m} der Außendienstmitarbeiter | |
| comm. field staff [treated as sg. or pl., usually pl.] | Außendienstler {pl} | |
| flag staff | Fahnenmast {m} | |
| flag staff | Fahnenstange {f} | |
| naut. flag staff | Göschstock {m} | |
| mil. general staff | Generalstab {m} | |
| mus. grand staff [Am.] | Akkolade {f} | |
| aviat. ground staff | Bodenpersonal {n} | |
| med. health staff {sg} | Gesundheitsbedienstete {pl} | |
| jobsmed. hospital staff | Spitalspersonal {n} [österr.] | |
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Übersetzung für 'staff' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- to staff
- besetzen [Personal]jobs
mit einem Stab versehen
- staff
- Personal {n}
Belegschaft {f}
Stange {f}
Mitarbeiterstab {m}econ.
Personalbestand {m}
Dienerschaft {f}
Liniensystem {n}mus.
Humanmaterial {n} [ugs.] [pej.]econ.jobs
Stecken {m} [regional] [Stock, Stab]
(personelle) Besetzung {f}law
- staff {sg}
- Mitarbeiter {pl}jobs
Angestellte {pl}
Notenlinien {pl}mus.
- staff [stick, rod] [also mil.]
- Stab {m} [auch mil.]
- staff [stick, rod]
- Stock {m} [Stab]
- staff-operated {adj} [e.g. sale]
- personalbedient [z. B. Verkauf]
- to downsize staff
- den Personalbestand verringernjobs
- to slash staff [fig.]
- Personal abbauenjobs
- to upskill staff
- die Qualifikationen der Mitarbeiter ausbaueneduc.jobs
- (teaching) staff
- Lehrerkollegium {n}educ.
- (teaching) staff [school, university, etc.]
- Kollegium {n}acad.educ.
- abbatial staff [crozier]
- Abtsstab {m}relig.
- academic staff
- Lehrkörper {m}acad.educ.
- accompanying staff [on trains, airplanes, etc.]
- Begleitpersonal {n} [in Zügen, Flugzeugen etc.]traffic
- additional staff
- zusätzliche Belegschaft {f}
- admin staff [coll.]
- Administrationspersonal {n}
Verwaltungspersonal {n}jobs
- administrative staff
- Verwaltungspersonal {n}
Verwaltungsbelegschaft {f}
Verwaltungsstab {m}admin.
- administrative staff {sg}
- Verwaltungskräfte {pl}
Verwaltungsangestellte {pl}
Verwaltungsmitarbeiter {pl} [Belegschaft]admin.
- admiral's staff
- Admiralsstab {m}
- advance staff
- Vorauskommando {n}
- Aesculapian staff
- Äskulapstab {m}med.pharm.
- airline staff {sg}
- Airline-Mitarbeiter {pl}aviat.jobs
- airport staff
- Flughafenbedienstete {pl}aviat.jobs
- all staff
- die ganze Belegschaft {f}
- ancillary staff
- Hilfspersonal {n}
Aushilfsbelegschaft {f}
- assembly staff [treated as sg. or pl.]
- Montagepersonal {n}jobstech.
- back staff {sg}
- Hilfskräfte {pl}jobs
- balance staff
- Unruhwelle {f}watches
- bank staff [Br.]
- Aushilfskraft {f} auf Abrufjobs
- bank staff {sg}
- Bankangestellte {pl}
- beggar's staff
- Bettelstab {m}
- bo (staff) [Japanese martial arts]
- Bō {m} [japanischer Langstock] [Kampfsportwaffe]sports
- cabin staff
- Bordpersonal {n}
- campaign staff
- Wahlkampfteam {n}pol.
- campaign's staff
- Wahlkampfteam {n}pol.
- catering staff [treated as pl.]
- Catering-Mitarbeiter {pl}
- chancellery staff
- Bürobelegschaft {f}
- checkout staff
- Kassenpersonal {n}comm.jobs
- civilian staff {sg}
- Zivilbeschäftigte {pl}mil.
- civilian staff {sg} [employees, collectively regarded]
- Zivilangestellte {pl}jobsmil.
- cleaning staff
- Reinigungspersonal {n}
Putzpersonal {n}jobs
- clerical staff
- Büropersonal {n}
Bürobelegschaft {f}
- coaching staff
- Trainerstab {m}sports
- coaching staff {sg}
- technische Betreuer {pl} [Trainerstab]sports
- combined staff
- multinationaler Stab {m}mil.
- commission staff {sg}
- Kommissionsmitarbeiter {pl}pol.
- computer staff
- Computerpersonal {n}comp.jobs
- contract staff {sg}
- Leiharbeiter {pl}jobs
- coordination staff
- Koordinierungsstab {m} [Polizei, Militär etc.]
- correctional staff {sg} [usually treated as pl.] [esp. Am.]
- Justizvollzugsbeamte {pl}law
- council staff {sg} [Br.]
- kommunale Beschäftigte {pl}jobs
- counter staff
- Schalterpersonal {n}
- court staff
- Hofpersonal {n}jobs
- cross-staff [Jacob's staff]
- Kreuzstab {m}astron.hist.naut.
- custodial staff
- Reinigungspersonal {n}jobs
- domestic staff [treated as sg. or pl.]
- Hauspersonal {n}jobs
- domestic staff {sg}
- Hausangestellte {pl}jobs
- editorial staff
- Schriftleitung {f}
Redaktionsteam {n}journ.
Redaktion {f} [Mitarbeiter]journ.
Belegschaft {f} der Redaktionjobsjourn.
Redaktionspersonal {n}publ.
- embassy staff
- Botschaftspersonal {n}
- estate staff {sg} [Br.]
- Gutsbedienstete {pl}
- executive staff
- Führungsstab {m}
- executive staff {sg}
- leitende Angestellte {pl}
- exhibition staff
- Messepersonal {n}comm.
- experienced staff {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]
- erfahrene Mitarbeiter {pl}
- expert staff
- Fachpersonal {n}
- factory staff {sg}
- Fabrikmitarbeiter {pl}ind.jobs
- field staff
- Stab {m} der Außendienstmitarbeiter
- field staff [treated as sg. or pl., usually pl.]
- Außendienstler {pl}comm.
- flag staff
- Fahnenmast {m}
Fahnenstange {f}
Göschstock {m}naut.
- general staff
- Generalstab {m}mil.
- grand staff [Am.]
- Akkolade {f}mus.
- ground staff
- Bodenpersonal {n}aviat.
- health staff {sg}
- Gesundheitsbedienstete {pl}med.
- hospital staff
- Spitalspersonal {n} [österr.]jobsmed.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- His staff assignments were both afloat on a Carrier Battle Group staff and ashore on a fleet commander's staff, a Unified Commander's staff and in Washington, D.C.
- The CAC Chief of Staff manages and oversees the activities of a coordinating staff and a special staff.
- Employed were 40 managerial and supervisory staff, 31 clerical staff, 382 maintenance staff and 55 unskilled staff.
- Currently, CCS has over 50 staff members, including janitorial staff, technical staff, office attendants, and those in charge of publications.
- A 33-person staff (14 refuge staff, for both Alligator River and Pea Island national wildlife refuges, 7 Red Wolf Recovery staff, 8 fire staff, and 4 temporary staff) administer the refuge for the 42,000 visitors who visit annually.
- The department employs about 1,600 staff, about one-quarter of whom are professional staff, half are technical-grade staff and the remainder are administrative and support staff.
- State representatives are given year-round personal staff at the Capitol, as well as some staff who are shared between members.
- Staff City: A few cabins located near the parking lot which house upper staff members including most of the Directors. Also used for staff at NYLT.
- Richmond had an average of 163 staff, including 83 academic staff, 68 management and administrative staff and 12 technical staff, during the year ending 30 June 2017.
- The staff is composed of more than 50 teachers, 20 educational assistants, office staff, culinary staff, a technician and custodial staff.
- In early spring 1917 the name "War Staff" was abolished and a replaced by an Admiralty Naval Staff.
- June 1, 2003, the "Armed Forces Staff" and "Joint Support Service Staff were combined into a common staff authority in the MOD.
- According to a Sunday Times investigative report, Northcliff was named as Gauteng's least representative school staff-wise, with its academic staff consisting of 96% white staff members.
- The Namibia Command and Staff College offers the Junior Staff Course (JSC) and the Senior Command and Staff Course (SCSC). It provides staff training to prepare students for staff appointments.
- Infopro employs a staff of more than 250, with 70% technical staff, 20% support staff, and 10% business team.
- The hospital attracted staff by offering subsidized housing on its grounds.
- After 2010, "Courant" has offered early retirement and buyout packages to reduce staff as it continues to experience declines in advertising revenue.
- His staff appointments include Personal Staff Officer to Chief of the Air Staff, Director Operations Project, Director Operational Requirement and Development, Assistant Chief of Air Staff (OR&D), Chief Project Director JF-17, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Personnel) at Air Headquarters and Vice Chief of the Air Staff.
- During World War II, [...] served as tender and staff headquarters for Submarine Squadron 14's staff and Division Staff in Pearl Harbor from July to September 1943.
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