| NOUN1 | a stock | stocks |
| NOUN2 | stock | - |
| VERB | to stock | stocked | stocked stocking | stocks |
| SYNO | breed | broth | caudex | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| comm. stock {adj} | vorrätig 880 | |
| stock {adj} [fig.] [trite, unoriginal] | abgedroschen [ugs.] 181 | |
| stock {adj} | Standard- 157 | |
Verben |
| comm. to stock sth. | etw. einlagern 686 | |
| to stock | ausstatten 417 | |
| comm. to stock [goods in a shop] | führen [Waren] 261 | |
| to stock sth. | etw. speichern [als Vorrat anlegen] 60 | |
| comm. to stock sth. | etw. am Lager führen | |
| comm. to stock sth. | etw. vorrätig halten | |
| comm. to stock sth. | etw.Akk. auf Lager haben | |
| comm. to stock sth. | etw. am Lager haben [fachsprachlich] | |
Substantive |
| gastr. stock [broth e.g. for soup] | Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe] 2383 | |
| comm. stock | Lager {n} [Warenbestand] 1895 | |
| stocks stock | Aktie {f} 1352 | |
| comm. stock [inventory] | Bestand {m} 1118 | |
| stock [supply] | Vorrat {m} 1083 | |
| comm. stock | Lagerbestand {m} 598 | |
| gastr. stock [as the basis for a soup] | Brühe {f} [als Suppengrundlage] 487 | |
| gastr. stock | Sud {m} [bes. von Fleisch, für Suppe] 271 | |
| gastr. stock | Bouillon {f} 263 | |
| agr. stock [livestock] | Viehbestand {m} 243 | |
| comm. stock | Warenbestand {m} 132 | |
| comm. stock | Inventar {n} 113 | |
| fin. stock | Gesellschaftskapital {n} 96 | |
| fin. stock | Grundkapital {n} 90 | |
| stocks stock {sg} | Aktien {pl} 88 | |
| sports stock [Bavarian curling] | Stock {m} [Stockschießen] 74 | |
| stock [roots, descent] | Abstammung {f} 72 | |
| stock | Material {n} 61 | |
| stock [descent] | Herkunft {f} [familiär] 55 | |
| cloth. stock | Halsbinde {f} 38 | |
| comm. stock | Stock {m} [Bestand an Waren] 38 | |
| comm.econ. B-stock | B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware] 34 | |
| bot.ethn.for. stock [tribe, race, also of a tree] | Stamm {m} [Volksstamm etc., auch Baumstamm] 29 | |
| weapons stock [gun] | Schaft {m} [Gewehr] 22 | |
| theatre stock [of an actor, singer] | Repertoire {n} 19 | |
| stock [of a tree] | Baumstumpf {m} 17 | |
| stock [pedigree] | Stammbaum {m} 15 | |
| ling. stock | Familie {f} [Sprachfamilie] 13 | |
| hort. stock | Stock {m} [Rosen, Wein] 13 | |
| stock [handle] | Griff {m} [eines Werkzeugs etc.] 13 | |
| stock [knowledge, experience] | Fundus {m} [geistiger Grundstock] 13 | |
| comm. stock {sg} [goods in stock] | Bestände {pl} 13 | |
| hort. stock | Unterlage {f} 12 | |
| agr. stock [livestock] | Vieh {n} 10 | |
| weapons stock [of a gun] | Kolben {m} [Gewehrkolben] 8 | |
| hort. stock [for grafting onto] | Unterlage {f} 6 | |
| bot.T stock [Matthiola incana] | Levkoje {f} 5 | |
| stat. stock {sg} | Bestandsmassen {pl} 5 | |
| bot. stock | Wurzelstock {m} | |
| stock [archaic] [dull, stupid person] | Langweiler {m} [ugs.] | |
| gastr. stock [fond] | (eingedickter) Fleischsud {m} [Fond] | |
| hort. stock [for grafting onto] | Wildling {m} | |
| stock [kind of people] | Schlag {m} [Menschenschlag, Menschentyp] | |
| weapons stock [of a gun] | Schulterstütze {f} [Gewehr] | |
| stock [person] | verstockte Person {f} | |
| stock [reputation] | Ansehen {n} | |
| stock [Solitaire] | Ausgangsstoß {m} | |
| games stock [Solitaire] | Lagerstapel {m} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| comm. ex stock {adv} <ex stk, X stk> | ab Lager | |
| from stock {adv} | lagermäßig [ab Lager] | |
| comm. from stock {adv} | ab Lager | |
| in stock {adj} | lagerhaltig [auf Lager] | |
| comm. in stock {adj} {adv} [postpos.] | auf Lager [nachgestellt] | |
| in stock {adj} [usually postpos.] | vorrätig | |
| stocks non-stock {adj} | ohne Aktien [nachgestellt] | |
| stock still {adj} | stockstill | |
| stock-still {adj} {adv} | regungslos | |
| stock-still {adj} {adv} | stocksteif | |
| stock-still {adj} | bewegungslos | |
| stock-still {adj} {adv} | mäuschenstill [reglos] | |
| stock-still {adj} {adv} | mucksmäuschenstill [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to deplete stock | Materialvorrat abbauen | |
| to recruit stock | seine Vorräte wieder auffüllen | |
| comm. to reduce stock | Lager abbauen | |
| to slaughter stock | Aktien abstoßen | |
| to stock sb. with sth. [supply] | jdn. mit etw.Dat. beliefern | |
| econ. to stock sth. up | etw.Akk. bevorraten | |
| to stock up | auffüllen | |
| to take stock | Inventur machen | |
| to take stock | Bestand aufnehmen | |
| idiom to take stock [also fig.] | Bilanz ziehen [auch fig.] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (film) stock | Filmmaterial {n} | |
| gastr. (soup) stock | Brühe {f} | |
| stocks active stock | gehandelter Aktienbestand {m} | |
| actual stock | Istbestand {m} | |
| actual stock | tatsächlicher Bestand {m} | |
| additional stock | Nebenbestand {m} | |
| adequate stock | ausreichende Lagerhaltung {f} | |
| stocks assessable stock | nachschusspflichtige Aktie {f} | |
| stocks assessable stock {sg} | nachschusspflichtige Aktien {pl} | |
| stocks authorized stock | genehmigtes Aktienkapital {n} | |
| stocks authorized stock {sg} | zugelassene Aktien {pl} | |
| econ. average stock | Durchschnittsbestand {m} | |
| comm.econ.tech. B-stock / B stock | B-Ware {f} | |
| fin. bank stock | Bankkapital {n} | |
| fin.stocks bank stock | Aktienkapital {n} der Bank | |
| tech. bar stock | Stabstahl {m} | |
| tech. bar stock | Stangenmaterial {n} | |
| base stock | Grundbestand {m} | |
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Übersetzung für 'stock' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- stock {adj}
- vorrätigcomm.
- stock {adj} [fig.] [trite, unoriginal]
- abgedroschen [ugs.]
- to stock sth.
- etw. einlagerncomm.
etw. speichern [als Vorrat anlegen]
etw. am Lager führencomm.
etw. vorrätig haltencomm.
etw.Akk. auf Lager habencomm.
etw. am Lager haben [fachsprachlich]comm.
- to stock
- ausstatten
- to stock [goods in a shop]
- führen [Waren]comm.
- stock [broth e.g. for soup]
- Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe]gastr.
- stock
- Lager {n} [Warenbestand]comm.
Aktie {f}stocks
Lagerbestand {m}comm.
Sud {m} [bes. von Fleisch, für Suppe]gastr.
Bouillon {f}gastr.
Warenbestand {m}comm.
Inventar {n}comm.
Gesellschaftskapital {n}fin.
Grundkapital {n}fin.
Material {n}
Halsbinde {f}cloth.
Stock {m} [Bestand an Waren]comm.
Familie {f} [Sprachfamilie]ling.
Stock {m} [Rosen, Wein]hort.
Unterlage {f}hort.
Wurzelstock {m}bot.
- stock [inventory]
- Bestand {m}comm.
- stock [supply]
- Vorrat {m}
- stock [as the basis for a soup]
- Brühe {f} [als Suppengrundlage]gastr.
- stock [livestock]
- Viehbestand {m}agr.
Vieh {n}agr.
- stock {sg}
- Aktien {pl}stocks
Bestandsmassen {pl}stat.
- stock [Bavarian curling]
- Stock {m} [Stockschießen]sports
- stock [roots, descent]
- Abstammung {f}
- stock [descent]
- Herkunft {f} [familiär]
- B-stock
- B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware]comm.econ.
- stock [tribe, race, also of a tree]
- Stamm {m} [Volksstamm etc., auch Baumstamm]bot.ethn.for.
- stock [gun]
- Schaft {m} [Gewehr]weapons
- stock [of an actor, singer]
- Repertoire {n}theatre
- stock [of a tree]
- Baumstumpf {m}
- stock [pedigree]
- Stammbaum {m}
- stock [handle]
- Griff {m} [eines Werkzeugs etc.]
- stock [knowledge, experience]
- Fundus {m} [geistiger Grundstock]
- stock {sg} [goods in stock]
- Bestände {pl}comm.
- stock [of a gun]
- Kolben {m} [Gewehrkolben]weapons
Schulterstütze {f} [Gewehr]weapons
- stock [for grafting onto]
- Unterlage {f}hort.
Wildling {m}hort.
- stock [Matthiola incana]
- Levkoje {f}bot.T
- stock [archaic] [dull, stupid person]
- Langweiler {m} [ugs.]
- stock [fond]
- (eingedickter) Fleischsud {m} [Fond]gastr.
- stock [kind of people]
- Schlag {m} [Menschenschlag, Menschentyp]
- stock [person]
- verstockte Person {f}
- stock [reputation]
- Ansehen {n}
- stock [Solitaire]
- Ausgangsstoß {m}
Lagerstapel {m}games
- ex stock {adv} <ex stk, X stk>
- ab Lagercomm.
- from stock {adv}
- lagermäßig [ab Lager]
ab Lagercomm.
- in stock {adj}
- lagerhaltig [auf Lager]
- in stock {adj} {adv} [postpos.]
- auf Lager [nachgestellt]comm.
- in stock {adj} [usually postpos.]
- vorrätig
- non-stock {adj}
- ohne Aktien [nachgestellt]stocks
- stock still {adj}
- stockstill
- stock-still {adj} {adv}
- regungslos
mäuschenstill [reglos]
mucksmäuschenstill [ugs.]
- stock-still {adj}
- bewegungslos
- to deplete stock
- Materialvorrat abbauen
- to recruit stock
- seine Vorräte wieder auffüllen
- to reduce stock
- Lager abbauencomm.
- to slaughter stock
- Aktien abstoßen
- to stock sb. with sth. [supply]
- jdn. mit etw.Dat. beliefern
- to stock sth. up
- etw.Akk. bevorratenecon.
- to stock up
- auffüllen
- to take stock
- Inventur machen
Bestand aufnehmen
- to take stock [also fig.]
- Bilanz ziehen [auch fig.]idiom
- (film) stock
- Filmmaterial {n}
- (soup) stock
- Brühe {f}gastr.
- active stock
- gehandelter Aktienbestand {m}stocks
- actual stock
- Istbestand {m}
tatsächlicher Bestand {m}
- additional stock
- Nebenbestand {m}
- adequate stock
- ausreichende Lagerhaltung {f}
- assessable stock
- nachschusspflichtige Aktie {f}stocks
- assessable stock {sg}
- nachschusspflichtige Aktien {pl}stocks
- authorized stock
- genehmigtes Aktienkapital {n}stocks
- authorized stock {sg}
- zugelassene Aktien {pl}stocks
- average stock
- Durchschnittsbestand {m}econ.
- B-stock / B stock
- B-Ware {f}comm.econ.tech.
- bank stock
- Bankkapital {n}fin.
Aktienkapital {n} der Bankfin.stocks
- bar stock
- Stabstahl {m}tech.
Stangenmaterial {n}tech.
- base stock
- Grundbestand {m}
- Stock {m} = cane [stick for aid in walking or standing]
- Stock {m} [eines Baums] = stick [tree branch]
- Stock {m} [Stockwerk] = floor [storey]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Genesis stock was traded on the New York Stock Exchange as an American depositary receipt stock under the ticker GLS.
- The stock of Ernest Borel Holdings Limited (Asian operations, stock code:1856) is traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 11 July 2014.
- (ii) by a corporation selling equity, also called stock or shares (which may take various forms: preferred stock or common stock).
- Also included were the cars of G stock, K stock, L stock, M stock, and N stock. These cars were classified as H stock until they were rebuilt into Q stock.
- The Islamabad Stock Exchange building is also situated in the Blue Area.
- Beside stock footage libraries that only offer royalty-free stock footage Framepool offers direct only licensing and download of rights-managed stock footage, which only few other comparable stock footage libraries offer.
- In April 1997, Servgro unbundled and Avis Southern Africa was listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Namibia Stock Exchange and Botswana Stock Exchange stock exchanges.
- The stock of the Standard Chartered Bank Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange of India and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
- The stock of ETI is traded on three African stock exchanges: the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE), the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and the BRVM stock exchange in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
- The CFFH stock was transferred to CO shareholders on the basis of 1 CFFH stock for every 5 CO stock. These CFFH stock started trading on the market in July 1931.
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