| NOUN | a stupa | stupas |
| SYNO | stupa | tope |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Boudhanath stupa is said to be the stupa that was constructed enshrining the remains of Kassapa.
- The first stupa to be built in Spain was the O Sel Ling stupa in 1990.
- Do-drul Chorten is a stupa in Gangtok in the Indian state of Sikkim.
- On top of the hill is the Si Surat stupa (also known by its common name "Phra That Khao Tha Phet"), a Srivijavan-style stupa built in 1957.
- Vishwa Shanti stupa was a dream of Nichidatsu Fujii.
- In 1966, the temple abbot found several cracks inside the stupa.
- The initial function of a stupa was the veneration and safe-guarding of the relics of Gautama Buddha.
- Charumati Stupa (also known as Chabahil Stupa, and Dhan Dhoj Stupa) is a stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- The Jain stupa was a type of stupa erected by the Jains for devotional purposes.
- At the core of Sriparvata Arama project, is a stupa built according to the dimensions and architecture of the original Amararama Stupa which was the biggest stupa in Dakshinapatha or South India.
- The Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism identifies the lake with the Alladun Dheri stupa and believes a spring flows from the base of the stupa to form the lake.
- Initially constructed as a mud stupa, it gained its present structure in the Maurya, Sunga and Kushana period.
- The original stupa had been about [...] in height and was renovated by many kings.
- The present Stupa of Daoxuan was built in 1713 and renovated in 1832, it is multi-eaves style brick stupa with five stories. The hexagonal-shaped stupa is about [...] high.
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