 Übersetzung für 't beam' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a T-beam | T-beams
T-Träger {m}
Plattenbalken {m}
ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]
cone-beam computed tomography <cone-beam CT, CBCT>
Kegelstrahl-Computertomografie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>
fan-beam computed tomography <fan-beam CT, FBCT>
Fächerstrahl-Computertomographie {f} <Fächerstrahl-CT>
cone-beam computed tomography <cone-beam CT, CBCT>
Kegelstrahl-Computertomographie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>
cone-beam computed tomography <cone-beam CT, CBCT>
Kegelstrahlcomputertomographie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>
cone-beam computed tomography <cone-beam CT, CBCT>
Kegelstrahlcomputertomografie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>
electron beam <e-beam, E-beam>
Elektronenstrahl {m}
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlung
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.
I don't / can't recall her name.Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I don't / can't see that happening.Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom] Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
Don't pretend it didn't happen.Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying. Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 't beam' von Englisch nach Deutsch

T-Träger {m}constr.
Plattenbalken {m}constr.

ton <t., t, sh. t., sh. tn.> [esp. Am.] [short ton] [2000 lb]
amerikanische Tonne {f} <tn. sh> [907,18 kg]unit
cone-beam computed tomography <cone-beam CT, CBCT>
Kegelstrahl-Computertomografie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>MedTech.

Kegelstrahl-Computertomographie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>MedTech.

Kegelstrahlcomputertomographie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>MedTech.

Kegelstrahlcomputertomografie {f} <Cone-Beam-CT, CBCT>MedTech.
fan-beam computed tomography <fan-beam CT, FBCT>
Fächerstrahl-Computertomographie {f} <Fächerstrahl-CT>audiodent.MedTech.
electron beam <e-beam, E-beam>
Elektronenstrahl {m}electr.phys.
I couldn't, didn't want to (and still don't want to) deny a clandestine joy. ["Buback Obituary", trans. Sabine von Dirke: "All Power to the Imagination!"]
Ich konnte und wollte (und will) eine klammheimliche Freude nicht verhehlen. [Göttinger Mescalero, Buback - Ein Nachruf]hist.pol.quote
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto]
[Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]geogr.
What I don't know won't hurt me.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.idiom
I don't / can't recall her name.
Mir fällt ihr Name nicht ein.
I can't / couldn't help but ... [idiom]
Ich kann / konnte nicht anders als ...
I don't / can't see that happening.
Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
I can't / won't stay long today.
Ich werde heute nicht alt. [ugs.]idiom
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [idiom]
Man soll nicht reparieren, was nicht kaputt ist. [ugs.]
Well, look who it isn't / ain't! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
Schau mal, wer da kommt / ist! [ugs.]
Don't pretend it didn't happen.
Tu nicht so, als wäre es nicht passiert.
You needn't / shouldn't have bothered.
Es wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.
Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Alondra Avenue concrete T-beam bridge which crosses over the San Gabriel River in Bellflower was constructed in 1952 and was rehabilitated in 1972.
  • The bridge was constructed in 1927 as a concrete T-beam structure, and opened in 1928. The original bridge was replaced with the current deck in 1997.
  • There are three beams, the outer beams being L-shaped with a central inverted-T beam.
  • H-13/FFH-13 crosses the river near the Flowing Well National Forest Campground on a T-beam bridge built in 1941.
  • Other non-flying replicas are displayed at the Thomas T. Beam Engineering Complex at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (donated by the Howard Hughes Corporation in 1988) and the Santa Maria Museum of Flight.

  • The West Mitchell Street Bridge is a seven-span highway T-beam bridge constructed of reinforced concrete, with broad ogee arches supporting each span.
  • A double tee or double-T beam is a load-bearing structure that resembles two T-beams connected to each other side by side.
  • The Thomson Road–Air Line Railroad Bridge is one of the oldest examples of a concrete T-beam bridge in Michigan, and the only historically significant bridge of the type having multiple spans.
  • The review—which gave the game three out of five—also noted that a number of "promised features" are not present including diplomacy, research and exploration: "This must be the only Star Trek game ever designed where your characters can't beam down to an alien planet".
  • In 2014 the bridge was considered to be structurally deficient and scheduled to be replaced by a three span bulb T-beam bridge costing $3.8 million.

  • The weld access hole or rat hole is a structural engineering technique in which a part of the web of an I-beam or T-beam is cut out at the end or ends of the beam.
  • The bridge designed is a concrete T-beam with 40-foot span.
  • The floor slabs are T-beam construction. The plate thickness varies between 10 cm and 20 cm, the total construction height of 40 cm and 60 cm.
  • A T-beam (or tee beam), used in construction, is a load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete, wood or metal, with a [...] -shaped cross section.
  • MD 464 was constructed east from the intersection of Souder Road and Ninth Avenue to Olive School Road starting shortly after 1930 and completed in 1933; this section included a new concrete T-beam bridge over Little Catoctin Creek.

  • The latest bridge is on the Kapiti Expressway. It is a single T-beam, [...] above the river, with a [...] span.
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