 Übersetzung für 'taiga' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a taiga | taigas
Taiga {f}
2 Wörter
taiga-like {adj}
taiga dwellers {pl} [people]
Taigavolk {n}
taiga forest
Taigawald {m}
taiga region
Taigaregion {f}
taiga soils
Taigaböden {pl}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
taiga bean goose [Anser fabalis]
Waldsaatgans {f}
taiga bluet [Coenagrion resolutum]
Taiga-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
taiga flycatcher [Ficedula albicilla]
Taigazwergschnäpper {m}
taiga ragged moss [Brachythecium erythrorrhizon]
Rotwurzeliges Kurzbüchsenmoos {n}
taiga shrew [Sorex isodon]
Taigaspitzmaus {f}
taiga tick [Ixodes persulcatus]
Taigazecke {f}
taiga tit [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus]
Lapplandmeise {f}
taiga vole [Microtus xanthognathus]
Gelbwangenwühlmaus {f}
14 Übersetzungen
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  • Taiga {f} = taiga
  • Taiga-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart] = taiga bluet [Coenagrion resolutum]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Returning to NHK, he portrayed Saitō Yoshitatsu in the 1973 "taiga drama" "Kunitori Monogatari."
  • The Scandinavian and Russian taiga is an ecoregion within the taiga and boreal forests biome as defined by the WWF classification (ecoregion PA0608).
  • It is bordered by the ecoregions of Scandinavian and Russian taiga (north), Urals montane tundra and taiga (east), East European forest steppe (southeast), Central European mixed forests (southwest) and Baltic mixed forests (west), as well as by the Baltic Sea.
  • The East Siberian taiga ecoregion, in the Taiga and boreal forests biome, is a very large biogeographic region in eastern Russia.
  • The plateau is part of the East Siberian taiga ecoregion.

  • The Southern Hudson Bay taiga is contained within the conceptually larger Nearctic realm and possesses a number of neighbouring ecoregions including the Eastern Canadian Shield taiga, Northern Canadian Shield taiga, Central Canadian Shield forests, and Midwestern Canadian Shield forests.
  • The Urals montane tundra and taiga ecoregion (WWF ID: PA0610) covers the main ridge of the Ural Mountains (both sides) - a 2,000 km (north-south) by 300 km (west-east) region.
  • Komsomolsk is located in the "Okhotsk-Manchurian taiga" ecoregion.
  • Due to declining viewership for taiga dramas in recent years, NHK strengthened its marketing push for "Sanada Maru" as compared with its previous taiga dramas.
  • Lykova prefers her life in the taiga to life in the larger towns or cities.

  • The interior Alaska–Yukon lowland taiga (...) is an ecoregion in the taiga and boreal forests biome, of far northern North America.
  • The Cook Inlet taiga is a taiga and boreal forests ecoregion in Alaska.
  • On March 8, 2019, it was announced that Graham would be the composer for the 59th taiga drama "Kirin ga Kuru". He is the first American composer to score a taiga drama since they began in 1963.
  • After the permanent ice caps and tundra, taiga is the terrestrial biome with the lowest annual average temperatures, with mean annual temperature generally varying from [...].
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