 Übersetzung für 'tartrazine' von Englisch nach Deutsch
tartrazine [C16H9N4Na3O9S2] [E-102]
Tartrazin {n}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'tartrazine' von Englisch nach Deutsch

tartrazine [C16H9N4Na3O9S2] [E-102]
Tartrazin {n}biochem.FoodInd.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • UK ministers have agreed that the six colorings will be phased out by 2009. A Japanese group found in 1987 that tartrazine was not carcinogenic after being fed to mice for two years.
  • It can be combined with tartrazine (E102) to produce various shades of green.
  • "Melody Maker" journalist Caitlin Moran said the album had "enough eclecticism" throughout the songs to "keep even the most gnat-brained, Tartrazine-addled pop-kid stuck in for the full 64 minutes".
  • This was in response to a petition by activist Vani Hari and blogger Lisa Leake who delivered a petition to the company to remove controversial synthetic dyes Yellow 5 (labeled as Tartrazine) and Yellow 6 from its signature macaroni and cheese products.
  • The European Food Safety Authority allows for tartrazine to be used in processed cheese, canned or bottled fruit or vegetables, processed fish or fishery products, and wines and wine-based drinks.

  • INS 102, Tartrazine, is also E102. INS numbers are not unique and, in fact, one number may be assigned to a group of similar compounds.
  • Traditionally the controversial colourant tartrazine (E102) had been used as one of the colourants; however, as recently as 2019, major manufacturers were using a combination of brilliant blue FCF (E133) and riboflavin (E101).
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