 Übersetzung für 'terce' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a terce | terces
SYNO terce | tierce
Terz {f} [Stundengebet]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'terce' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Terz {f} [Stundengebet]relig.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • " (9), in "Terce ... sixt ... none", and on Fionn MacCool and his Fianna, in "fiddlers ...
  • The first is the use of three voices or parts: the melodic line, the terce and the quint either through vocalization or instruments.
  • It comprises (like the hymns for Terce and Sext) only two stanzas of iambic dimeters together with a doxology, varying according to the feast or season.
  • On Sundays, Terce was sung in "organum" before the principal Mass, and included the hymn "Nunc sancte nobis spiritus", which recalls the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles.
  • The sections corresponding to the first four letters of the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet are used at Prime, the following sets of three sections at Terce, Sext and None on Sundays.

  • Prior to 1964 the surviving spouse also has a right of terce (not the same as the religious term terce) on the deceased spouse's lands.
  • In 1652 she made over lands in Moray from her dowry or terce to her husband, so that he could sell them to meet their debts.
  • In October 1570 for her "terce" or jointure lands, Ruthven gave her Dirleton Castle and a third of the lands of Dirleton and Hassington, Haliburton, Ballernoch, Newton, and Cousland.
  • In 1592 when Wauchope was a forfeited rebel, an Act of Parliament allowed Rachael MacGill her "terce", the third of the estate of her first husband George Stewart acquired by her father in name of "tocher" or dowry, and property and incomes from her marriage settlement with Wauchope, because it "was notoriously known to all the country in what miserable estate she was in during the time of the said Archibald remaining in this country, by reason of his own living and hers being all consumed in his vain uses and ungodly fantasies."
  • In most monasteries it is the custom to begin the "Great Silence" after compline, during which the whole community, including guests, observes silence throughout the night until after the Terce the next day.

  • Work periods are between Terce and Holy Communion in the morning and between None and Vespers in the afternoon.
  • The Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE), 2013 data from eight countries in the sub-region show that students report more psychological bullying than physical bullying.
  • In March 1478 his widow Janet, Lady Craigmillar sued John, Lord Somerville, for goods and silverware which belonged to her by right of terce.
  • Tercé (...) is a commune in the Vienne department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in western France.
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