Übersetzung für '
terraces' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a terrace | terraces |
| VERB | to terrace | terraced | terraced terracing | terraces |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Impressive amounts of labor went into building the San Lorenzo terraces.
- The Nagacadan Rice Terraces is a UNESCO Heritage Site and one of the many rice terraces in the province of Ifugao.
- Cut terraces: Cut terraces, also called "cut-in-fill" terraces, are similar to the fill terraces mentioned above, but they are erosional in origin.
- Nine concentric circles provide the main geometry of the eighteen terraces.
- The Banaue Rice Terraces (...) are terraces that were carved into the mountains of Banaue, Ifugao, in the Philippines, by the ancestors of the Igorot people.
- Within the house there are 53 apartments, four offices, 16 private terraces and three communal terraces, and a total of 250 trees and bushes.
- The Merriman Street terraces are all Georgian style Victorian terraces.
- A comparison of the footprint of the terraces shown on the late-19th century survey map and the survey prepared for the site of the Clock Tower development in 1986 indicates a few changes to the configuration of the property, the most obvious being the loss of four terraces at the northern end of the group.
- The terraces at 198-202 Victoria Street (together with the terraces at 11-13 Earl Street) have local historical significance as workers terraces constructed in the mid nineteenth century on the first subdivisions of Edward Hallen's Telford Lodge Estate.
- However, in 2011, portions of both the Pink Terraces and later the White Terraces were rediscovered some 60 metres below the current level of Lake Rotomahana by scientists from New Zealand's GNS Science.
- The Banaue Rice Terraces are an example of paddy fields in the country.
- Terraces formed by cryoplanation are called "cryoplanation terraces".
- Two terraces rise 20 and 60 feet above the floodplain.
- The building has large terraces with views of the riverside.
- The East Group consists of structures clustered close to the edges of enormous artificial terraces.
- Many terraces were built in the "Filigree" style, distinguished through heavy use of cast iron ornament, on balconies and verandahs, sometimes depicting native Australian flora.
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