 Übersetzung für 'terracotta' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   terracotta | -
terracotta {adj} [attr.]
terracottaTerrakotta {f}
terracottaTerracotta {f} [Rsv.]
terracotta [statuette]
Terrakottafigur {f}
2 Wörter
terracotta-colored {adj} [Am.]terrakottafarben
terracotta-coloured {adj} [Br.]terrakottafarben
Lombard terracotta [Am.]
Terrakotta {f} [im lombardischen Stil]
Terracotta Army [China]
Terrakottaarmee {f}
terracotta figure
Terrakottafigur {f}
terracotta horse
Terrakottapferd {n}
terracotta sarcophagus
Terrakottasarkophag {m} [Terrakotta-Sarkophag]
terracotta statue
Terrakottastatue {f}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
terracotta hedgehog [Hydnum (repandum var.) rufescens]
Rotgelber Stoppelpilz {m}
terracotta hedgehog [Hydnum (repandum var.) rufescens]
Orangeroter Stoppelpilz {m}
14 Übersetzungen
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  • Terracotta {f} = terra-cotta
  • Terracotta {f} [Rsv.] = terracotta
  • Terracotta-Schwertlilie {f} = red iris [Iris fulva, syn.: I. douglasiana var. major, I. douglasiana var. oregonensis, I. fulvaurea]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The temple complex has another temple Ananta Basudeba Temple besides the main temple, which holds a very special position as a terracotta temple with exquisite terracotta works on it.
  • Gibbs and Canning Limited was an English manufacturer of terracotta and, in particular, architectural terracotta, located in Glascote, Tamworth, and founded in 1847.
  • The interior, including the Great Hall, is faced with sandy-yellow terracotta and intricate ornamentation. The terracotta used for the interior was produced by Gibbs and Canning of Tamworth.
  • Chinese, Korean, and Japanese terracotta making traditions were focused on non-architectural uses such as statuary or cookware but various forms of terracotta tiles were popular roofing materials.
  • Above the base, vertical terracotta bands and quoins divide the auditorium facade into three sections.

  • Terracotta Plaques: A number of terracotta plaques have been discovered.
  • The displays also show a number of large painted terracotta architectural fragments from the temples and other buildings, many Greek terracotta figurines, and incomplete larger terracotta statues, and pottery including painted vases.
  • Ghelli's "Esercito di terracotta" (Terracotta Army) resulted from the artist extending his practice of painting fabric tailors busts to sculpting and decorating pre-fabricated, fresh clay forms.
  • There are many examples of decorative artificial stonework and terracotta decorative features on the later Victorian buildings in Lincoln.
  • The eastern and western elevations contain narrow windows between vertical piers of glazed terracotta.

  • The circular and triangular terracotta cakes, sling balls with pinched decoration, circular beads and spacer, terracotta, faience and shell bangles, were also found.
  • From this 4th floor to the sill of the 11th floor, the façade is red face brick, with isolated courses, window trims and sills of architectural terracotta with three groups of suppressed window balcony and pediment head trims on each facade of architectural terracotta, and with continuous vertical corner quoins of architectural terracotta.
  • Majapahit Terracotta is the terracotta art and craft dated from Majapahit era circa 13th to 15th century.
  • The Potter Building is among the oldest remaining buildings in New York City to retain architectural terracotta.
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