 Übersetzung für 'to be sure' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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be sure tosicherlich
to be sure {adv}wohl
to be sure {adv}zwar
to be sure {adv}freilich
to be sure {adv}allerdings­
to be sure {adv}um sicherzugehen
to be sure {adv}selbstverständlich
to be sure {adv} [admittedly]sicherlich [zugegebenermaßen]
3 Wörter: Verben
to be sure of sth.sichDat. etw.Gen. sicher sein
4 Wörter: Andere
Don't be so sure!Sei dir da nicht so sicher!
4 Wörter: Verben
to be on sure ground [also fig.]festen Boden unter sichDat. haben [auch fig.]
to be sure to do sth.etw. mit Sicherheit tun
to be sure to remember sth. sichDat. etw.Akk. hinter die Ohren schreiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Wörter: Andere
Always be sure to engage the catch.Es ist unbedingt die Sperre einzuhängen.
Be sure to come on time!Kommen Sie ja rechtzeitig!
I wouldn't be so sure about that.Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher.
I'm sure that'll be right.Das wird schon seine Richtigkeit haben.
It is a long time ago, to be sure ... [Irish]Zwar ist es schon lange her ...
It sounds fanciful, to be sure, but ... Es hört sich fantastisch an, das ist klar, aber ...
On that you can be sure.Dessen kannst du dir sicher sein.
Throw plenty of dirt and some will be sure to stick.
Etwas bleibt immer hängen.
You may be sure that ...Sie dürfen sicher sein, dass ...
You ought to have known that, to be sure. Das hätten Sie allerdings­ wissen müssen. [formelle Anrede]
5+ Wörter: Verben
to be as sure as God made little green apples that ... [coll.]
sichDat. dabei todsicher sein, dass ... [ugs.]
sure {adj}sicher
Sure, sure.Ja, sicher.
Sure, sure.Sicher doch.
sure {adj}zuverlässig
sure {adj}gewiss
sure {adv}bestimmt
Sure!Klar doch!
sure-handednessVerlässlichkeit {f}
to make suresicherstellen
sure indicationsicheres Anzeichen {n}
Sure is.Allerdings­.
Sure! [coll.]Na klar! [ugs.]
to make suresichern
made sure {past-p}vergewissert
sure {adv} [coll.]wirklich
sure remedysicheres Mittel {n}
Sûre (River)
Sauer {f}
Yes, sure.Ja, klar.
dead sureganz sicher
44 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'to be sure' von Englisch nach Deutsch

be sure to
to be sure {adv}




um sicherzugehen

to be sure {adv} [admittedly]
sicherlich [zugegebenermaßen]

to be sure of sth.
sichDat. etw.Gen. sicher sein

Don't be so sure!
Sei dir da nicht so sicher!

to be on sure ground [also fig.]
festen Boden unter sichDat. haben [auch fig.]
to be sure to do sth.
etw. mit Sicherheit tun
to be sure to remember sth.
sichDat. etw.Akk. hinter die Ohren schreiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]

Always be sure to engage the catch.
Es ist unbedingt die Sperre einzuhängen.
Be sure to come on time!
Kommen Sie ja rechtzeitig!
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher.
I'm sure that'll be right.
Das wird schon seine Richtigkeit haben.
It is a long time ago, to be sure ... [Irish]
Zwar ist es schon lange her ...
It sounds fanciful, to be sure, but ...
Es hört sich fantastisch an, das ist klar, aber ...
On that you can be sure.
Dessen kannst du dir sicher sein.
Throw plenty of dirt and some will be sure to stick.
Etwas bleibt immer hängen.proverb
You may be sure that ...
Sie dürfen sicher sein, dass ...
You ought to have known that, to be sure.
Das hätten Sie allerdings­ wissen müssen. [formelle Anrede]

to be as sure as God made little green apples that ... [coll.]
sichDat. dabei todsicher sein, dass ... [ugs.]idiom

sure {adj}



Klar doch!
Sure, sure.
Ja, sicher.

Sicher doch.
sure {adv}
Verlässlichkeit {f}
to make sure

sure indication
sicheres Anzeichen {n}
Sure is.
Sure! [coll.]
Na klar! [ugs.]
made sure {past-p}
sure {adv} [coll.]
sure remedy
sicheres Mittel {n}
Sûre (River)
Sauer {f}geogr.
Yes, sure.
Ja, klar.
dead sure
ganz sicher
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Optimization comes at a price and it is important to be sure that the investment is worthwhile.
  • Therefore, to avoid risking this penalty, some bakers included an extra unit to be sure the minimum weight was met, bringing the total to 13 units or what is now commonly known as a baker's dozen.
  • To be sure, Estimé had hastened his own demise in several ways.
  • Today most of the pictures from the Hartmann exhibition are lost, making it impossible to be sure in many cases which Hartmann works Mussorgsky had in mind.
  • It is difficult to be sure whether or not this method of lithic reduction was ever a commonplace practice, although noting sharp edges on a broken rock might have led early humans to first recognize the value of lithic reduction.

  • He was described as exhorting the Israelite people to be sure to follow the Torah Law so as not to intermarry with people of particular different religions, a set of commandments described in the Pentateuch.
  • In a document dictated before his death in 1924 while describing Trotsky as "distinguished not only by his exceptional abilities—personally he is, to be sure, the most able man in the present Central Committee" and also maintaining that "his non-Bolshevik past should not be held against him", Lenin criticized him for "showing excessive preoccupation with the purely administrative side of the work" and also requested that Stalin be removed from his position of General Secretary, but his notes remained suppressed until 1956.
  • It was at this point that Röntgen noticed a faint shimmering from a bench a few feet away from the tube. To be sure, he tried several more discharges and saw the same shimmering each time.
  • Therefore, a reasonably long stretch of time is necessary to be sure that the cycling has ceased.
  • His Great Parliament of 1265 (Montfort's Parliament) was a packed assembly to be sure, but it can hardly be supposed that the representation which he granted to the towns was intended to be a temporary expedient.

  • The Zanni's head is to peck like a chicken, but the Zanni have to be sure not to bob their head up and down.
  • Aircraft which are only passing through the airspace must also contact tower control to be sure they remain clear of other traffic.
  • Because of the tectonic activity and strong currents, these archeologists claim that there is not sufficient stratification to be sure the recovered artifacts can be associated with the site.
  • The Persian Gulf Arabs and the West wanted to be sure the Islamic revolution did not spread across the Persian Gulf, while the Soviet Union was concerned about the potential threat posed to its rule in central Asia to the north.
  • While there is definitely no way to be sure of how wolf warrior diplomacy will affect the future relations between the US and China, it is certainly an important factor for the US and its policy makers to consider moving forward when interacting with China.

  • Acrylic paint can be cleaned out of a brush with any soap, while oil paint needs a specific type to be sure to get all the oil out of the brushes.
  • However, the court must take care to be sure that the examining attorney is not "coaching" the witness through leading questions.
  • GPUs found to be fully functional can be unlocked successfully, although it is not possible to be sure that there are undiscovered faults; in the worst case the card may become permanently unusable.
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