 Übersetzung für 'to break out' von Englisch nach Deutsch
VERB   to break out | broke out | broken out
breaking out | breaks out
SYNO to break | to break away | to break out | ...
to break outflüchten
to break outlosbrechen
to break outherausbrechen
to break outhervorbrechen
to break outausbüxen [ugs.]
ungeprüft to break outzum Ausbruch kommen
to break outplötzlich auftreten
to break out [commence]anheben [geh.] [beginnen]
to break out [epidemic, fire, war, illness, etc.]ausbrechen [beginnen, einsetzen]
to break out [in a rash, e.g. pimples] aufblühen [fig.] [mit einem Hautausschlag, mit Pickeln]
to break out [of confinement] ausbrechen [sich befreien, z. B. aus einem Gefängnis]
to break sth. outetw.Akk. hervorholen
to break sth. outetw. ausbrechen [herausbrechen]
2 Wörter: Substantive
break-outAusbruch {m}
break-outEntkommen {n}
Kursausschlag {m}
3 Wörter: Verben
to break out laughingin Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out of sth. [escape]aus etw.Dat. ausbrechen [fliehen]
to break out of sth. [ignore] sichAkk. über etw.Akk. hinwegsetzen [bewusst unbeachtet lassen]
3 Wörter: Substantive
break-out area
Pausenbereich {m}
4 Wörter: Andere
Break out the violin(s). [fig.]Mir kommen gleich die Tränen. [fig.]
4 Wörter: Verben
to break out in blisters
Bläschen werfen
to break out in hives
Hautausschlag bekommen
to break out in laughterin Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out in pimplesBlattern bekommen
to break out in revoltrevoltieren
to break out in spotsFlecken bekommen
to break out in spots
einen Ausschlag bekommen
to break out in spots [pimples]Pickel bekommen
to break out in tearsin Tränen ausbrechen
to break out into invectivesin Schmähungen ausbrechen
to break out into laughterin Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out into tearsin Tränen ausbrechen
to break out of columnaus der Reihe brechen
to break out of jailaus dem Gefängnis ausbrechen
to break out of prisonaus dem Gefängnis ausbrechen
4 Wörter: Substantive
attempt to break outAusbruchsversuch {m}
5+ Wörter: Andere
It's better to make a painful break than draw out the agony.
Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende.
5+ Wörter: Verben
to break out in a cold sweatin Angstschweiß ausbrechen
to break out in a cold sweatin kalten Schweiß ausbrechen
to break out in a new directioneine neue Richtung einschlagen
to break out in a rash
einen Hautausschlag bekommen
to break out of a loopaus einer Schleife ausbrechen
to break out of a loopaus einem Kreislauf ausbrechen
to have a rash break out on one's face
einen Ausschlag im Gesicht bekommen
to make sb. break out in sweatjdm. den Schweiß auf die Stirn treiben
tolerance break <T-break, t-break> [e.g. from cannabis]
Toleranzpause {f}
break-break contact
Doppelöffnerkontakt {m}
out-and-out bribeoffensichtliche Bestechung {f}
out-and-out bribeoffensichtlicher Bestechungs­versuch {m}
out-and-out bribeein klarer Fall {m} von Bestechung
Absatz {m} [Buchdruck]
to breakbrechen
Break {n} {m}
Break! [Trennt euch! Das Trennkommando des Ringrichters beim Boxkampf]
Lichtung {f}
to break die Grätsche machen [ugs.] [fig.] [unbrauchbar werden] [technische Geräte]
to break
Break {m} {n} [in Jazz, Bluegrass, Funk: mehrtaktige Reduktion der Intensität, oft Zwischensolo]
to break in die Grätsche gehen [ugs.] [fig.] [unbrauchbar werden] [technische Geräte]
breakAbschnitt {m}
Kursausbruch {m}
to break
kontern [z. B. beim Fußball]
Durchbruch {m}
Kursausschlag {m}
66 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'to break out' von Englisch nach Deutsch

to break out




ausbüxen [ugs.]

ungeprüft zum Ausbruch kommen

plötzlich auftreten
to break out [commence]
anheben [geh.] [beginnen]
to break out [epidemic, fire, war, illness, etc.]
ausbrechen [beginnen, einsetzen]
to break out [in a rash, e.g. pimples]
aufblühen [fig.] [mit einem Hautausschlag, mit Pickeln]
to break out [of confinement]
ausbrechen [sich befreien, z. B. aus einem Gefängnis]
to break sth. out
etw.Akk. hervorholen

etw. ausbrechen [herausbrechen]

Ausbruch {m}

Entkommen {n}

ungeprüft Kursausschlag {m}stocks

to break out laughing
in Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out of sth. [escape]
aus etw.Dat. ausbrechen [fliehen]
to break out of sth. [ignore]
sichAkk. über etw.Akk. hinwegsetzen [bewusst unbeachtet lassen]

break-out area
ungeprüft Pausenbereich {m}archi.

Break out the violin(s). [fig.]
Mir kommen gleich die Tränen. [fig.]

to break out in blisters
Bläschen werfenmed.
to break out in hives
Hautausschlag bekommenmed.
to break out in laughter
in Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out in pimples
Blattern bekommen
to break out in revolt
to break out in spots
Flecken bekommen

einen Ausschlag bekommenmed.
to break out in spots [pimples]
Pickel bekommen
to break out in tears
in Tränen ausbrechen
to break out into invectives
in Schmähungen ausbrechen
to break out into laughter
in Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out into tears
in Tränen ausbrechen
to break out of column
aus der Reihe brechen
to break out of jail
aus dem Gefängnis ausbrechen
to break out of prison
aus dem Gefängnis ausbrechen

attempt to break out
Ausbruchsversuch {m}

It's better to make a painful break than draw out the agony.
Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende.proverb

to break out in a cold sweat
in Angstschweiß ausbrechen

in kalten Schweiß ausbrechen
to break out in a new direction
eine neue Richtung einschlagen
to break out in a rash
einen Hautausschlag bekommenmed.
to break out of a loop
aus einer Schleife ausbrechen

aus einem Kreislauf ausbrechen
to have a rash break out on one's face
einen Ausschlag im Gesicht bekommenmed.
to make sb. break out in sweat
jdm. den Schweiß auf die Stirn treiben

tolerance break <T-break, t-break> [e.g. from cannabis]
Toleranzpause {f}drugspharm.
break-break contact
Doppelöffnerkontakt {m}electr.
out-and-out bribe
offensichtliche Bestechung {f}

offensichtlicher Bestechungs­versuch {m}

ein klarer Fall {m} von Bestechung
Absatz {m} [Buchdruck]printpubl.

Break {n} {m}mus.sports

Lichtung {f}for.

Break {m} {n} [in Jazz, Bluegrass, Funk: mehrtaktige Reduktion der Intensität, oft Zwischensolo]mus.

Abschnitt {m}

Kursausbruch {m}stocks

Durchbruch {m}sports

Kursausschlag {m}stocks
to break

die Grätsche machen [ugs.] [fig.] [unbrauchbar werden] [technische Geräte]


in die Grätsche gehen [ugs.] [fig.] [unbrauchbar werden] [technische Geräte]

kontern [z. B. beim Fußball]sports
Break! [Trennt euch! Das Trennkommando des Ringrichters beim Boxkampf]sports

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In more recent years cider has made a roaring comeback nationwide, with New England being the first to break out of the box and with many pomologists scouring the woods for abandoned apple trees and heirloom varieties to add to the cider press.
  • Although the decades-long regime of President Porfirio Díaz (1876–1911) was increasingly unpopular, there was no foreboding in 1910 that a revolution was about to break out.
  • When his group came under attack and was encircled by a battalion-size North Vietnamese Army force, Kedenberg conducted a rear-guard action which allowed his group to break out of their encirclement and move to a landing zone.
  • A plough anchor has a fundamental flaw: like its namesake, the agricultural plough, it will dig in but then tends to break out back to the surface.
  • By the 1880s, Pissarro began to explore new themes and methods of painting to break out of what he felt was an artistic "mire".

  • Cleopatra's exit from Egypt caused a civil war to break out between the pharaohs.
  • What finally drove the cardinals to make a decision was a message from the Duke of Parma notifying them that revolt was about to break out in the northern Papal States.
  • In 1977 the Canadian film "Outrageous!", starring drag queen Craig Russell, became one of the first gay-themed films to break out into mainstream theatrical release.
  • To break out of the limitations caused by river valleys, the first summit level canals were developed with the Grand Canal of China in 581–617 AD whilst in Europe the first, also using single locks, was the Stecknitz Canal in Germany in 1398.
  • As a company commander at Douaumont (during the Battle of Verdun) on 2 March 1916, while leading a charge to try to break out of a position which had become surrounded by the enemy, he received a bayonet wound to the left thigh after being stunned by a shell and was captured after passing out from the effects of poison gas.

  • These interventions were meant to put an end to liberalization efforts and uprisings that had the potential to compromise Soviet hegemony inside the Soviet Bloc, which was considered by the Soviet Union to be an essential and defensive and strategic buffer in case hostilities with NATO were to break out.
  • In addition, there are some cases in which extortioners may even catalyze cooperation by helping to break out of a face-off between uniform defectors and win–stay, lose–switch agents.
  • exploded which prompted the rear division of the French fleet to attempt to break out of the bay.
  • Peake opened fire with his cannons, causing a fire to break out in the port engine.
  • Chief Antonga Black Hawk died in 1870, but fights continued to break out until additional federal troops were sent in to suppress the Ghost Dance of 1872.

  • Despite its efforts to break out of the Soviet and Chinese spheres of influence, North Korea remained closely aligned with both countries throughout the Cold War.
  • A fellow employee at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall testified that Oswald's rudeness at his new job was such that fights threatened to break out, and that he once saw Oswald reading a Russian-language publication.
  • Calvin did not live to see the foundation of his work grow into an international movement; but his death allowed his ideas to break out of their city of origin, to succeed far beyond their borders, and to establish their own distinct character.
  • Also unlike most other languages that provide exception handling, exceptions in CLU are considered part of ordinary execution flow and are considered a "normal" and efficient type-safe way to break out of loops or to return from functions; this allows for direct assignment of return values "except when" other conditions apply.
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