| VERB | to hand | handed | handed handing | hands |
| SYNO | bridge player | deal | hand | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| hand {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cream, drawing, grenade, injury, luggage] | 25 Hand- [z. B. Creme, Zeichnung, Granate, Verletzung, Gepäck] | |
Verben |
| to hand sth. | etw.Akk. reichen [oft geh.] [geben, hinhalten] 1312 | |
| to hand | abgeben [abliefern] 135 | |
| to hand [pass] sb. sth. | jdm. etw.Akk. langen [ugs.] [geben, reichen] 125 | |
| to hand sb. sth. [pass sth. to sb.] | jdm. etw. reichen [geben] 109 | |
| to hand | anreichen 79 | |
| to hand | einhändigen 13 | |
Substantive |
| hand | Hand {f} 5613 | |
| watches hand [clock, watch] | Zeiger {m} 143 | |
| watches hand [clock, watch] | Uhrzeiger {m} 81 | |
| hand [helper, helping hand] | Helfer {m} 32 | |
| games hand [in card games] | Blatt {n} [bei Kartenspielen] 31 | |
| naut. hand | Mann {m} [Besatzungsmitglied] 19 | |
| jobs hand [worker] | Arbeiter {m} 19 | |
| hand [handwriting] | Handschrift {f} 16 | |
| hand | Schriftzug {m} 8 | |
| hand [a dab / real hand at sth.] | 6 Könner {m} [ein wahrer Könner an einem Gerät / bei einer Tätigkeit / in einer Disziplin] | |
| games hand {sg} [in card games] | Handkarten {pl} [bei Kartenspielen] 5 | |
| ungeprüft anat. hand | Flunke {f} [nordd.] [Hand] | |
| watches hand | Weiser {m} [veraltet] [Uhrzeiger] | |
| gastr. hand [Br.] [forehock of pork] | untere Schulter {f} [Schwein] | |
| biol.zool. hand [esp. vertebrates] | Vorderfuß {m} [bes. Wirbeltiere] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| at hand {adv} | bei der Hand | |
| at hand {adv} [also: in stock, for delivery] | loco | |
| at hand {adv} [also: in stock, for delivery] | loko [Rsv.] [loco] | |
| at hand {adv} [in reach] | in Reichweite | |
| at hand {adj} [postpos.] [close at hand, handy] | griffbereit | |
| at hand {adj} [postpos.] [imminent, forthcoming] | bevorstehend | |
| at hand {adj} [postpos.] [nearby] | nah | |
| at hand {adj} [postpos.] [present, on hand] | vorliegend | |
| at hand {adv} [ready, near at hand] | zur Hand | |
| by hand {adv} | manuell | |
| by hand {adv} | von Hand | |
| by hand {adv} | per Hand | |
| by hand {adv} | mit der Hand | |
| by hand {adv} | händisch [österr.] | |
| by hand {adv} [delivery] | durch Boten | |
| first-hand {adj} | direkt [ohne Mittelsleute] | |
| first-hand {adj} | aus erster Hand [nachgestellt] | |
| first-hand {adj} | aus eigener Erfahrung [nachgestellt] | |
| first-hand {adv} [hear, learn, experience, witness] | persönlich | |
| first-hand {adj} [observation, experience, knowledge] | eigen [Anschauung, Erfahrung, Wissen] | |
| first-hand {adv} [see] | mit eigenen Augen | |
| hand made {adj} | handgearbeitet | |
| zool. hand shy {adj} | handscheu | |
| cloth.textil. hand washable {adj} | handwaschbar | |
| hand worked {adj} {past-p} | handgefertigt | |
| hand worked {adj} {past-p} | handgearbeitet | |
| hand-blown {adj} | mundgeblasen | |
| hand-carved {adj} {past-p} | handgeschnitzt | |
| hand-colored {adj} [Am.] | handcoloriert | |
| hand-colored {adj} [Am.] | handkoloriert | |
| hand-coloured {adj} [Br.] | handkoloriert | |
| art hand-coloured {adj} {past-p} [Br.] | koloriert [Kupferstiche, Fotos etc.] | |
| hand-controlled {adj} | handgesteuert | |
| hand-crafted {adj} | handgemacht | |
| hand-crafted {adj} | handgefertigt | |
| hand-crafted {adj} {past-p} | handgearbeitet | |
| hand-crafted {adj} | von Hand gemacht | |
| hand-cranked {adj} {past-p} | handgekurbelt | |
| hand-cut {adj} | handgeschliffen | |
| hand-decorated {adj} | von Hand verziert | |
| hand-delivered {adj} {past-p} [e.g. letter] | eigenhändig zugestellt [z. B. Brief] | |
| hand-drawn {adj} | handgezeichnet | |
| hand-engraved {adj} {past-p} | handgraviert | |
| hand-fed {adj} | handgefüttert | |
| material hand-forged {adj} | handgeschmiedet | |
| FoodInd. hand-grind {adj} | handgemahlen | |
| tech. hand-guided {adj} | handgeführt | |
| agr.oenol. hand-harvested {adj} | handgeerntet | |
| hand-held {adj} | tragbar | |
| hand-held {adj} | in der Hand gehalten | |
| hand-hewn {adj} | von Hand bearbeitet [Holz, Stein] | |
| hand-hot {adj} [water] | handwarm | |
| textil. hand-knit {adj} {past-p} | handgestrickt | |
| textil. hand-knit {adj} | selbstgestrickt | |
| hand-knitted {adj} | handgestrickt | |
| hand-knitted {adj} | selbstgestrickt | |
| hand-knitted {adj} | selbst gestrickt | |
| hand-knotted {past-p} {adj} [carpet] | handgeknüpft [Teppich] | |
| hand-laced {adj} | handgeklöppelt | |
| hand-like {adj} | handartig | |
| cloth.textil. hand-linked {adj} [e.g. toe, heel] | handgekettelt | |
| hand-made {adj} | handgefertigt | |
| hand-made {adj} | handgearbeitet | |
| hand-made {adj} | in Handarbeit hergestellt | |
| hand-made {adj} [paper] | handgeschöpft [Papier] | |
| hand-operated {adj} | handbedient | |
| hand-operated {adj} | handgeführt | |
| hand-operated {adj} | handbetrieben | |
| hand-operated {adj} | handbetätigt | |
| hand-painted {adj} | handbemalt | |
| hand-peeled {adj} | handgeschält | |
| hand-picked {adj} | handverlesen | |
| hand-picked {adj} | handgepflückt | |
| hand-picked {adj} | sorgfältig ausgewählt | |
| hand-picked {adj} | handausgelesen [selten] | |
| hand-picked {adj} {past-p} | von Hand gelesen [Trauben etc.] | |
| agr.oenol. hand-picked {adj} | handgelesen | |
| oenol. hand-picked {adj} | per Handlese geerntet | |
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Übersetzung für 'to hand' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- hand {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cream, drawing, grenade, injury, luggage]
- Hand- [z. B. Creme, Zeichnung, Granate, Verletzung, Gepäck]
- to hand sth.
- etw.Akk. reichen [oft geh.] [geben, hinhalten]
- to hand
- abgeben [abliefern]
- to hand [pass] sb. sth.
- jdm. etw.Akk. langen [ugs.] [geben, reichen]
- to hand sb. sth. [pass sth. to sb.]
- jdm. etw. reichen [geben]
- hand
- Hand {f}
Mann {m} [Besatzungsmitglied]naut.
Schriftzug {m}
ungeprüft Flunke {f} [nordd.] [Hand]anat.
Weiser {m} [veraltet] [Uhrzeiger]watches
- hand [clock, watch]
- Zeiger {m}watches
Uhrzeiger {m}watches
- hand [helper, helping hand]
- Helfer {m}
- hand [in card games]
- Blatt {n} [bei Kartenspielen]games
- hand [worker]
- Arbeiter {m}jobs
- hand [handwriting]
- Handschrift {f}
- hand [a dab / real hand at sth.]
- Könner {m} [ein wahrer Könner an einem Gerät / bei einer Tätigkeit / in einer Disziplin]
- hand {sg} [in card games]
- Handkarten {pl} [bei Kartenspielen]games
- hand [Br.] [forehock of pork]
- untere Schulter {f} [Schwein]gastr.
- hand [esp. vertebrates]
- Vorderfuß {m} [bes. Wirbeltiere]biol.zool.
- at hand {adv}
- bei der Hand
- at hand {adv} [also: in stock, for delivery]
- loco
loko [Rsv.] [loco]
- at hand {adv} [in reach]
- in Reichweite
- at hand {adj} [postpos.] [close at hand, handy]
- griffbereit
- at hand {adj} [postpos.] [imminent, forthcoming]
- bevorstehend
- at hand {adj} [postpos.] [nearby]
- nah
- at hand {adj} [postpos.] [present, on hand]
- vorliegend
- at hand {adv} [ready, near at hand]
- zur Hand
- by hand {adv}
- manuell
von Hand
per Hand
mit der Hand
händisch [österr.]
- by hand {adv} [delivery]
- durch Boten
- first-hand {adj}
- direkt [ohne Mittelsleute]
aus erster Hand [nachgestellt]
aus eigener Erfahrung [nachgestellt]
- first-hand {adv} [hear, learn, experience, witness]
- persönlich
- first-hand {adj} [observation, experience, knowledge]
- eigen [Anschauung, Erfahrung, Wissen]
- first-hand {adv} [see]
- mit eigenen Augen
- hand made {adj}
- handgearbeitet
- hand shy {adj}
- handscheuzool.
- hand washable {adj}
- handwaschbarcloth.textil.
- hand worked {adj} {past-p}
- handgefertigt
- hand-blown {adj}
- mundgeblasen
- hand-carved {adj} {past-p}
- handgeschnitzt
- hand-colored {adj} [Am.]
- handcoloriert
- hand-colored {adj} [Am.]
- handkoloriert
- hand-coloured {adj} [Br.]
- handkoloriert
- hand-coloured {adj} {past-p} [Br.]
- koloriert [Kupferstiche, Fotos etc.]art
- hand-controlled {adj}
- handgesteuert
- hand-crafted {adj}
- handgemacht
von Hand gemacht
- hand-crafted {adj} {past-p}
- handgearbeitet
- hand-cranked {adj} {past-p}
- handgekurbelt
- hand-cut {adj}
- handgeschliffen
- hand-decorated {adj}
- von Hand verziert
- hand-delivered {adj} {past-p} [e.g. letter]
- eigenhändig zugestellt [z. B. Brief]
- hand-drawn {adj}
- handgezeichnet
- hand-engraved {adj} {past-p}
- handgraviert
- hand-fed {adj}
- handgefüttert
- hand-forged {adj}
- handgeschmiedetmaterial
- hand-grind {adj}
- handgemahlenFoodInd.
- hand-guided {adj}
- handgeführttech.
- hand-harvested {adj}
- handgeerntetagr.oenol.
- hand-held {adj}
- tragbar
in der Hand gehalten
- hand-hewn {adj}
- von Hand bearbeitet [Holz, Stein]
- hand-hot {adj} [water]
- handwarm
- hand-knit {adj} {past-p}
- handgestrickttextil.
- hand-knit {adj}
- selbstgestrickttextil.
- hand-knitted {adj}
- handgestrickt
selbst gestrickt
- hand-knotted {past-p} {adj} [carpet]
- handgeknüpft [Teppich]
- hand-laced {adj}
- handgeklöppelt
- hand-like {adj}
- handartig
- hand-linked {adj} [e.g. toe, heel]
- handgeketteltcloth.textil.
- hand-made {adj}
- handgefertigt
in Handarbeit hergestellt
- hand-made {adj} [paper]
- handgeschöpft [Papier]
- hand-operated {adj}
- handbedient
- hand-painted {adj}
- handbemalt
- hand-peeled {adj}
- handgeschält
- hand-picked {adj}
- handverlesen
sorgfältig ausgewählt
handausgelesen [selten]
per Handlese geerntetoenol.
- hand-picked {adj} {past-p}
- von Hand gelesen [Trauben etc.]
- Hand {f} = hand
- Hand- [z. B. Steuerung, Betrieb, Schalter, Rasenmäher, Fertigkeit] = manual [e.g. control, mode, switch, lawnmower, skill]
- Hand- [z. B. Creme, Zeichnung, Granate, Verletzung, Gepäck] = hand [attr.] [e.g. cream, drawing, grenade, injury, luggage]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Qing dynasty forced Russia to hand over disputed territory in Ili in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1881), in what was widely seen by the west as a diplomatic victory for the Qing.
- Infantry with ranged or pole weapons often carried a sword or dagger for possible hand-to-hand combat.
- If shooting according to hand dexterity, the archer draws the string with the hand that possesses the greatest dexterity, regardless of eye dominance.
- A "Heath Robinson contraption" is perhaps most commonly used in relation to temporary fixes using ingenuity and whatever is to hand, often string and tape, or unlikely cannibalisations.
- Awkward handles can cause repetitive stress injury (RSI) to hand and arm joints, and uncontrolled shock waves from repeated impacts can injure nerves and the skeleton.
- NFHS (high school) rules do not allow for a passer to intentionally throw an incomplete forward pass to save loss of yardage or conserve time, except for a spike to conserve time after a hand-to-hand snap.
- There is agreement among some Christian theologians that Elijah appears to hand over the responsibility of the prophets to Jesus as the woman by the well said to Jesus "I perceive thou art a prophet."
- This argument is largely based on the earlier work of Heidegger, who, in "Being and Time", claimed that the theoretical attitude of pure presence is parasitical upon a more originary involvement with the world in concepts such as ready-to-hand and being-with.
- Normally, the translator has between five and seven days to hand over the translation of a 90-minute programme.
- Within a few hours the user could achieve a typing speed similar to hand writing speed.
- Ingush aul Kek was completely burned when the Ingush refused to hand over Zelimkhan.
- With the results to hand, discrepancies were found.
- By 2004, Nigeria had failed to meet the deadline to hand over the peninsula.
- King Henry V of England led his troops into battle and participated in hand-to-hand fighting.
- Against a player who does not understand the concept of a sacrifice, the expert simply has to make the correct number of sacrifices to encourage the opponent to hand them the first chain long enough to ensure a win.
- Though humans have fought in hand-to-hand combat since the dawn of human history and the origin of the sport of boxing is unknown, according to some sources boxing has prehistoric origins in present-day Ethiopia where it appeared in the sixth millennium BC and when the Egyptians invaded Nubia they learned the art of boxing from the local population and they took the sport to Egypt where it became popular and from Egypt boxing spread to other countries including Greece, and eastward to Mesopotamia and northward to Rome.
- During the early 1890s, the British government decided to hand over the Bechuanaland Protectorate to the British South Africa Company.
- "Fire-polished" faceted beads are a less expensive alternative to hand-cut faceted glass or crystal.
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