| VERB | to port | ported | ported porting | ports |
| SYNO | embrasure | interface | larboard | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| naut. port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. engine, helm, side, watch] | Backbord- [z. B. Motor, Ruder, Seite, Wache] 856 | |
| naut. port {adj} | backbordseitig 79 | |
| port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town] | 23 Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt] | |
Verben |
| comp. to port | übertragen 107 | |
| comp. to port | portieren 55 | |
Substantive |
| naut. port | Hafen {m} 1636 | |
| comp.telecom. port | Anschluss {m} 484 | |
| port | Öffnung {f} 46 | |
| oenol. port | Portwein {m} 19 | |
| port | Schlitz {m} 14 | |
| port | Kanalanschluss {m} 8 | |
| med. port [portacath] | Port {m} [Portkatheter] 7 | |
| oenol. port [wine] | Port {m} [Portwein] 6 | |
| naut. port | Port {m} [Hafen] [veraltet] | |
| comp. port | Port {m} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| port-oriented {adj} | hafenbezogen | |
| aviat.naut. to port {adv} | backbord | |
| aviat.naut. to port {adv} | backbords | |
| two-port {adj} [attr.] | mit zwei Anschlüssen [nachgestellt] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| naut. to leave port | den Hafen verlassen | |
| naut. to reach port | den Hafen erreichen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| geogr. Adriatic port | Adriahafen {m} | |
| tech. aspiration port | Ansaugstutzen {m} | |
| naut. Atlantic port | Atlantikhafen {m} | |
| geogr.naut. Baltic port | Ostseehafen {m} | |
| tech.telecom. bind port | Bindeport {m} | |
| bonded port | Zollhafen {m} | |
| burner port | Brennerloch {n} | |
| burner port | Brenneröffnung {f} | |
| comp. cable port | Kabelanschluss {m} | |
| camera port | Kamerafenster {n} [in Flugzeug, Satellit] | |
| naut. canal port | Kanalhafen {m} | |
| car port | Carport {m} [auch {n}] | |
| car port | überdachter Einstellplatz {m} | |
| electr. charging port | Ladebuchse {f} | |
| naut. coal port | Kohlehafen {m} | |
| comm.naut. commercial port | Handelshafen {m} | |
| comp. computer port | Rechnerausgang {m} | |
| comm.naut. container port | Containerhafen {m} | |
| customs port | Zollhafen {m} | |
| geogr.naut. Danubian port | Donauhafen {m} | |
| deepwater port | Tiefseehafen {m} | |
| naut. deepwater port | Tiefwasserhafen {m} | |
| destination port | Zielhafen {m} | |
| naut. dry port [Br.] | Trockenhafen {m} | |
| weapons ejection port | Auswurffenster {n} | |
| geogr.naut. Elbe port | Elbehafen {m} | |
| naut.travelTrVocab. entry port | Einreisehafen {n} | |
| exhaust port | Absaugöffnung {f} | |
| automot.aviat. exhaust port | Auslassöffnung {f} | |
| automot.engin. exhaust port | Auslasskanal {m} | |
| MedTech. exit port [X-rays] [esp. Am.] | Austrittsfenster {n} | |
| naut. ferry port | Fährhafen {m} | |
| fishing port | Fischereihafen {m} | |
| fishnaut. fishing port | Fischerhafen {m} | |
| econ. fishing port | Fischhafen {m} | |
| naut. fortified port | befestigter Hafen {m} | |
| comm.naut. free port | Freihafen {m} | |
| comm.naut. free port | zollfreier Hafen {m} | |
| naut. freeing port | Wasserpforte {f} | |
| naut.transp. freight port | Frachthafen {m} | |
| comm.naut. grain port | Getreidehafen {m} | |
| naut.weapons gun port | Stückpforte {f} | |
| mil. gun-port | Scharte {f} | |
| naut. hailing port [Am.] | Heimathafen {m} | |
| naut. home port | Heimathafen {m} | |
| ind.naut. industrial port | Industriehafen {m} | |
| comp. infrared port <IR port> | Infrarotschnittstelle {f} <IR-Schnittstelle> | |
| naut. inland port | Binnenhafen {m} | |
| electr. input port | Eingangsanschluss {m} | |
| comp.tech. input port | Eingabeanschluss {m} | |
| comm.naut. international port | Überseehafen {m} | |
| lading port | Verladehafen {m} | |
| naut. main port | Haupthafen {m} | |
| geogr.naut. Mediterranean port | Mittelmeerhafen {m} | |
| mil.naut. military port | Kriegshafen {m} | |
| mil.naut. military port | Militärhafen {m} | |
| comp. modem port | Modemschnittstelle {f} | |
| comp. mouse port | Mausport {m} | |
| comp. mouse port | Maus-Port {m} | |
| comp. mouse port | Mausanschluss {m} | |
| comp. mouse port | Maus-Anschluss {m} | |
| electr.tech.telecom. multi-port | Mehrtor {n} | |
| electr.telecom. n-port [multiport] | n-Tor {n} [Mehrtor] | |
| naut. natural port | Naturhafen {m} | |
| mil.naut. naval port | Kriegshafen {m} | |
| comp. network port | Netzwerkschnittstelle {f} | |
| tech. oil port | Ölhafen {m} | |
| output port | Ausgabeport {m} | |
| tech. output port | Ausgabeanschluss {m} | |
| tech. output port | Ausgangsanschluss {m} | |
| comp. parallel port | Parallel-Schnittstelle {f} | |
| comp. parallel port | parallele Schnittstelle {f} | |
| aviat.naut. port (side) | Backbord {n} [österr. {m}] | |
| naut.transp. port access | Hafenzugang {m} | |
| port administration | Hafenverwaltung {f} | |
| naut. port admiral | Hafenadmiral {m} | |
| port alley | Hafengasse {f} | |
| port area | Hafengebiet {n} | |
| port area [harbour area] | Hafengelände {n} | |
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Übersetzung für 'to port' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. engine, helm, side, watch]
- Backbord- [z. B. Motor, Ruder, Seite, Wache]naut.
- port {adj}
- backbordseitignaut.
- port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town]
- Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt]
- to port
- übertragencomp.
- port
- Hafen {m}naut.
Anschluss {m}comp.telecom.
Öffnung {f}
Portwein {m}oenol.
Schlitz {m}
Kanalanschluss {m}
Port {m} [Hafen] [veraltet]naut.
Port {m}comp.
- port [portacath]
- Port {m} [Portkatheter]med.
- port [wine]
- Port {m} [Portwein]oenol.
- port-oriented {adj}
- hafenbezogen
- to port {adv}
- backbordaviat.naut.
- two-port {adj} [attr.]
- mit zwei Anschlüssen [nachgestellt]
- to leave port
- den Hafen verlassennaut.
- to reach port
- den Hafen erreichennaut.
- Adriatic port
- Adriahafen {m}geogr.
- aspiration port
- Ansaugstutzen {m}tech.
- Atlantic port
- Atlantikhafen {m}naut.
- Baltic port
- Ostseehafen {m}geogr.naut.
- bind port
- Bindeport {m}tech.telecom.
- bonded port
- Zollhafen {m}
- burner port
- Brennerloch {n}
Brenneröffnung {f}
- cable port
- Kabelanschluss {m}comp.
- camera port
- Kamerafenster {n} [in Flugzeug, Satellit]
- canal port
- Kanalhafen {m}naut.
- car port
- Carport {m} [auch {n}]
überdachter Einstellplatz {m}
- charging port
- Ladebuchse {f}electr.
- coal port
- Kohlehafen {m}naut.
- commercial port
- Handelshafen {m}comm.naut.
- computer port
- Rechnerausgang {m}comp.
- container port
- Containerhafen {m}comm.naut.
- customs port
- Zollhafen {m}
- Danubian port
- Donauhafen {m}geogr.naut.
- deepwater port
- Tiefseehafen {m}
Tiefwasserhafen {m}naut.
- destination port
- Zielhafen {m}
- dry port [Br.]
- Trockenhafen {m}naut.
- ejection port
- Auswurffenster {n}weapons
- Elbe port
- Elbehafen {m}geogr.naut.
- entry port
- Einreisehafen {n}naut.travelTrVocab.
- exhaust port
- Absaugöffnung {f}
Auslassöffnung {f}automot.aviat.
Auslasskanal {m}automot.engin.
- exit port [X-rays] [esp. Am.]
- Austrittsfenster {n}MedTech.
- ferry port
- Fährhafen {m}naut.
- fishing port
- Fischereihafen {m}
Fischerhafen {m}fishnaut.
Fischhafen {m}econ.
- fortified port
- befestigter Hafen {m}naut.
- free port
- Freihafen {m}comm.naut.
zollfreier Hafen {m}comm.naut.
- freeing port
- Wasserpforte {f}naut.
- freight port
- Frachthafen {m}naut.transp.
- grain port
- Getreidehafen {m}comm.naut.
- gun port
- Stückpforte {f}naut.weapons
- gun-port
- Scharte {f}mil.
- hailing port [Am.]
- Heimathafen {m}naut.
- home port
- Heimathafen {m}naut.
- industrial port
- Industriehafen {m}ind.naut.
- infrared port <IR port>
- Infrarotschnittstelle {f} <IR-Schnittstelle>comp.
- inland port
- Binnenhafen {m}naut.
- input port
- Eingangsanschluss {m}electr.
Eingabeanschluss {m}comp.tech.
- international port
- Überseehafen {m}comm.naut.
- lading port
- Verladehafen {m}
- main port
- Haupthafen {m}naut.
- Mediterranean port
- Mittelmeerhafen {m}geogr.naut.
- military port
- Kriegshafen {m}mil.naut.
Militärhafen {m}mil.naut.
- modem port
- Modemschnittstelle {f}comp.
- mouse port
- Mausport {m}comp.
Maus-Port {m}comp.
Mausanschluss {m}comp.
Maus-Anschluss {m}comp.
- multi-port
- Mehrtor {n}electr.tech.telecom.
- n-port [multiport]
- n-Tor {n} [Mehrtor]electr.telecom.
- natural port
- Naturhafen {m}naut.
- naval port
- Kriegshafen {m}mil.naut.
- network port
- Netzwerkschnittstelle {f}comp.
- oil port
- Ölhafen {m}tech.
- output port
- Ausgabeport {m}
Ausgabeanschluss {m}tech.
Ausgangsanschluss {m}tech.
- parallel port
- Parallel-Schnittstelle {f}comp.
parallele Schnittstelle {f}comp.
- port (side)
- Backbord {n} [österr. {m}]aviat.naut.
- port access
- Hafenzugang {m}naut.transp.
- port administration
- Hafenverwaltung {f}
- port admiral
- Hafenadmiral {m}naut.
- port alley
- Hafengasse {f}
- port area
- Hafengebiet {n}
- port area [harbour area]
- Hafengelände {n}
- Port {m} [Portkatheter] = port [portacath]
- Port {m} [Portwein] = port [wine]
- Port {m} = port
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- By now a Dutch tugboat had arrived but was unable to save "Pegaway", which soon rolled to port and sank.
- Aware of her previous nightmare with drug addiction in San Francisco, Rivers insisted that she inform her parents face-to-face of her plans, and he drove her from Austin to Port Arthur (he waited in his car while she talked with her startled parents) before they began their long drive to San Francisco.
- Alternatively, STARTTLS can be used to encrypt the connection when connecting to port 143 after initially communicating over plaintext.
- It withstood a British attack in 1696, but the capital was later moved to Port Royale.
- He successfully brought "Wishart" back to port in Malta and then attended the funeral of King George V in January 1936.
- 86open was a project to form consensus on a common binary file format for Unix and Unix-like operating systems on the common PC compatible x86 architecture, to encourage software developers to port to the architecture.
- Both the novel and the film had a much darker ending than in reality, where the U-boat returns to port only to be destroyed during an air raid with many of her crew killed or wounded.
- Microsoft attempted to hire id to port "Doom" to Windows in 1995 to promote Windows as a gaming platform, and Microsoft CEO Bill Gates briefly considered buying the company.
- To get more developers on board DirectX, Microsoft approached id Software's John Carmack and offered to port "Doom" and "Doom 2" from MS-DOS to DirectX, free of charge, with id retaining all publishing rights to the game.
- And with few exceptions all the port-to-port sailing records are held by the American clippers.
- It was originally developed by Cygnus Solutions, which was later acquired by Red Hat (now part of IBM), to port the Linux toolchain to Win32, including the GNU Compiler Suite.
- Bugzilla was originally written in Tcl, but Weissman decided to port it to Perl before its release as part of Netscape's early open-source code drops, in the hope that more people would be able to contribute to it, given that Perl seemed to be a more popular language at the time.
- After the sinking the Argentine Navy recognized that they had no effective defense against submarine attack, and the Argentine surface fleet withdrew to port for the remainder of the war.
- In order to export oil, South Sudan relies on a pipeline to Port Sudan on Sudan's Red Sea coast, as South Sudan is a landlocked country, as well as the oil refining facilities in Sudan.
- Apple contracted San Francisco Canyon Company to port QuickTime to the Windows platform. Microsoft and Intel were added to the lawsuit in 1995. The suit ended in a settlement in 1997.
- Microsoft tried in the mid-1990s to port Office to RISC processors such as NEC/MIPS and IBM/PowerPC, but they met problems such as memory access being hampered by data structure alignment requirements.
- Route 15 intersects Route 2 at the eastern outskirts of Moncton, heads northeast leading to Shediac and northern New Brunswick, Route 16 connects to route 15 at Shediac and leads to Port Elgin and Prince Edward Island.
- Since the early 1950s on conventional carriers it has been the practice to recover aircraft at an angle to port of the axial line of the ship.
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