 Übersetzung für 'tobogganing' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   tobogganing | -
VERB   to toboggan | tobogganed | tobogganed
tobogganing | toboggans
tobogganing {adj} {pres-p}rodelnd
tobogganingRodeln {n}
tobogganingSchlittenfahren {n}
summer tobogganing
Sommerrodeln {n}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Winter activities include tobogganing down the slope on the eastern shore of the north portion of the lake.
  • Frances Slocum State Park is open during the winter months for ice fishing, ice skating, sledding, tobogganing, and snowmobiling.
  • In winter the park features a skating pond and two tobogganing slides.
  • Korketrekkeren (direct translation: "The Corkscrew") is a tobogganing track and former bobsleigh and luge track in Oslo, Norway.
  • Fifteen-year-old Kevin Loree died in a tobogganing accident.

  • Maurice K. Goddard State Park is open during the winter months for ice fishing, ice boating, ice skating, sledding and tobogganing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.
  • The band broke up in 1970, and Clark stopped drumming in 1972 after he broke four knuckles in a tobogganing accident.
  • The Prättigau is a tourist destination for winter and summer activities, including downhill and cross-country skiing, tobogganing and hiking.
  • On January 22, the city bans sledding and tobogganing at Mooney's Bay Hill due to consistent large crowds.
  • The Prättigau is a popular tourist destination for winter and summer activities, including downhill and cross country skiing, tobogganing and hiking.

  • There was an amusement park with a rowing lake (the dock of which was retained and in use as a cafe in 2010), a Lotto pavilion, tobogganing and a rollercoaster.
  • A grassy knoll in the middle of the island that acts as an amphitheatre for movies-in-the-park in summer, and tobogganing in the winter.
  • In winter, cross-country skiing trails are offered. There is also a small hill that is used for tobogganing by children.
  • The site slopes down to the north west making it suitable for tobogganing in winter.
  • In winter the area is used for cross-country skiing and tobogganing.

  • Near the Kitahiroshima Classe Hotel, tennis and golf are popular summer activities, while skiing and tobogganing is available in the winter months.
  • On 24 September 2021, a twelve-year-old boy was killed after being injured at a tobogganing party at the snowdome.
  • Visitors practice several local forms of recreation at the Monahans Sandhills, such as sandboarding, 'sand football', 'sand surfing', and sand tobogganing.
  • Sledding and tobogganing in the park are allowed on the shores of the lake in winter. The lake ice must be at least [...] thick.
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