 Übersetzung für 'togetherness' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   togetherness | -
togethernessZweisamkeit {f}
togethernessZusammengehörigkeit {f}
togethernessBeisammensein {n}
togethernessMiteinander {n}
togethernessZusammensein {n}
togetherness [solidarity]Gemeinsamkeit {f}
togethernessZueinander {n}
Mitsein {n}
togethernessBeieinander {n}
togethernessEinheitlichkeit {f}
3 Wörter
in intimate togetherness {adv}in trauter Zweisamkeit
(sense of) togetherness Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl {n} [in Familie, Gruppe]
feeling of togethernessWirgefühl {n}
feeling of togethernessWir-Gefühl {n}
feeling of togethernessZusammengehörigkeitsgefühl {n}
15 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The development of the self implies a capacity to embody and span the dialectic of 'aloneness-togetherness'—rather than being disposed toward either schizoid isolation (aloneness) or merging identification with the other (togetherness).
  • Saride dance is a traditional dance symbolizing unity and togetherness in completing activities that are destined for the public interests.
  • The people's vociferations are just manifestations that through their anonymity create a sense of togetherness.
  • Using the name Franconia, created an awareness of an inner unity and with an increased sense of togetherness and solidarity which, however, did not exist in the political or sovereign arenas.
  • The motto of the Board of Student Librarians is "Esprit de Corps", which means "the spirit of togetherness".

  • Aditya and Meera, a modern couple, struggle to keep their marriage afloat. However, as they are about to give up on each other, fate gives them a purpose to maintain their togetherness.
  • Hand spinning was integrally related to Trinjan, with women spinning and singing together in groups. Trinjan has long been a place of togetherness, collaborative wisdom, and shared abilities.
  • "ham-" ("hm-") expresses togetherness and sameness.
  • The name "Confero" is derived from Latin word for "togetherness", while "Formo" means "to form" in the same language.
  • The song features 40 musicians from all over the world coming together for a message of hope and togetherness.

  • She has stated a preference for living together rather than marrying, as she does not feel that marriage guarantees happiness and togetherness.
  • While VAT had a flat organisation, open communication among its workforce and a spirit of togetherness, SAT's organisation was strictly hierarchical.
  • Belief in Jesus and discipleship in lifestyle are not to be separated. Individual discipleship is to be shown through togetherness with other believers and service to wider society.
  • Ideals espoused by the core group of festival organizers and participants were togetherness, freedom, volunteering and spiritual tolerance and exploration.
  • Narghile smokers generally start smoking in their early 20s as they find that the activity produces a sense of togetherness among friends and facilitates an enjoyable social situation.

  • Solidarity is a unity of purpose or togetherness.
  • It consisted of two robots being placed in a hydraulic press machine where they were crushed, pressed, and ground together to symbolise love and togetherness.
  • Samagiya means togetherness and unity in the Sinhalese language.
  • Tan also convinced the Ministry of National Development (MND) to allow Singaporeans to park their cars for free in Housing & Development Board (HDB) estates on Sundays and public holidays, to promote family togetherness.
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