Übersetzung für '
tone row' von Englisch nach Deutsch
22 Übersetzungen
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- It contains one of Poulenc's rare excursions into dodecaphony, with the brief employment of a twelve-note tone row.
- "Quiet", in Leonard Bernstein's "Candide", satirizes the method by using it for a song about boredom, and Benjamin Britten used a twelve-tone row—a "tema seriale con fuga"—in his "Cantata Academica: Carmen Basiliense" (1959) as an emblem of academicism.
- ... 498 cents)—but in modern use it means any four-note segment of a scale or tone row, not necessarily related to a particular tuning system.
- In this piece, the tone row is treated as motivic material used with the traditional neoclassic forms, such as ABA and theme and variations.
- His music employs a wide range of methods including the twelve-tone row and musical quotation.
- Robert Kahn sees the main subject of the fugue as a precursor of the tone row, the basis of the twelve-tone system developed by Arnold Schoenberg.
- The technique is most associated with the twelve-tone technique, created by its 'total thematicism' where a tone-row (melody) generates all (harmonic) material.
- These range from building-block techniques to methods using a chord series that is generated out of the twelve-tone row ("Melos") to pieces employing an ordered row that is then subject to systematic permutation.
- Igor Stravinsky used a five-tone row, chromatically filling out the space of a major third centered tonally on C (C–E), in one of his early serial compositions, "In memoriam Dylan Thomas".
- The difference is always 11. The first set may be called P0 (see tone row), in which case the second set would be P1.
- A 12-tone row has hexachordal combinatoriality with another 12-tone row if their respective first (as well as second, because a 12-tone row itself forms an aggregate by definition) hexachords form an aggregate.
- Allen Forte in "The Structure of Atonal Music" redefines the term "hexachord" to mean what other theorists (notably Howard Hanson in his "Harmonic Materials of Modern Music: Resources of the Tempered Scale") mean by the term "hexad", a six-note pitch collection which is not necessarily a contiguous segment of a scale or a tone row.
- or a twelve-tone row.
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