21 Übersetzungen
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- "melodic, pure-tone syllables with multiple frequency changes combined into phrases."
- In the "old" Minjiang dialect, the stop consonants for checked-tone syllables in Middle Chinese have developed into tense vowels to create a phonemic contrast, and in several cities and counties the tense vowels are followed by a glottal stop to emphasize the contrast.
- Zulu has tonic assimilation: high tones tend to spread allophonically to following low-tone syllables, raising their pitch to a level just below that of adjacent high-tone syllables.
- The primary characteristic of the Minjiang dialect is that the stop consonants for checked-tone syllables in Middle Chinese have developed into tense vowels to create a phonemic contrast, and in several cities and counties the tense vowels retain a following glottal stop.
- Like many Bantu languages, it has a two-way contrast between high and low tones (low-tone syllables may be analyzed as toneless).
- This tone is often demonstrated as having a rise in pitch after the low fall; however, third tone syllables that include the rise are significantly longer than other syllables.
- Middle Chinese entering tone syllables ending in [...] whose vowel clusters have become front high vowels like [...] and [...] shifts to syllables with [...] finals in some of the modern Hakka, as seen in the following table.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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