Übersetzung für '
tones of grey' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a tone of grey | tones of grey |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- When introduced, Corail carriages were painted in two tones of grey with a sharp flash of orange on the doors. Corail carriages were used throughout France on non-TGV locomotive-hauled services.
- Forms were simple and robust and the stone, timber, off form concrete and metals chosen were intended to weather to soft tones of grey with contrasts in texture.
- Towards the edges, Cézanne used cooler tones of grey and blue to depict the foliage and the sky.
- The painting is dominated by tones of grey colour.
- Away kit: The alternative kit featured two tones of grey, with the body of the shirt being lighter and the sleeves and necktie (V-neck) darker.
- All built of wood, they are painted in subdued tones of grey.
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