 Übersetzung für 'tones of red' von Englisch nach Deutsch
tones of redRottöne {pl}
red tonesRottöne {pl}
tones of brownBrauntöne {pl}
tones of blue
Blautöne {pl}
tones of greenGrüntöne {pl}
tones of gray [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
hearing of pure tones
Reintongehör {n}
chord of five tones
Fünfklang {m}
tones of grey [Br.]Grautöne {pl}
Metastation of Abandoned Tones [Lubo Kristek]
Metastation der zurückgelassenen Töne
tonesTöne {pl}
ring tones
Klingeltöne {pl}
flesh tones
Inkarnat {n}
brown tonesBrauntöne {pl}
reddish tonesRottöne {pl}
earth tonesErdtöne {pl}
green tonesGrüntöne {pl}
blue tonesBlautöne {pl}
natural tonesNaturtöne {pl}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
ringing tonesKlingeltöne {pl}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • elegans" hatched from a single ootheca and reared under the same conditions can show color variation between tones of red, green, and yellow.
  • The bricks were tinted in various tones of red, arranged in a gradient, inspired by Louis Sullivan's use of "tapestry brick" in different hues.
  • This pattern was in the same style as the standard DPCU but in tones of red and brown, supposedly resembling a "Russian" style pattern.
  • The actual color may be different depending on the degree to which the oxide is burnt, ranging from almost black to a bright, light red. Different tones of red have been popular at different times.
  • The whole is painted in muted tones of red and brown and is highly reminiscent of the artist's work for the Church of St.

  • The theme, chosen to represent the dynamic and exciting elements of the country's top central business district, is reflected with different tones of red on the walls in the interior of the station that suggest movements.
  • Juarez specializes in creating plates and containers with Mayan inspired designs, creating using tones of red and yellow clay slips, which are burnished before firing.
  • The walls of the Chasm contain tones of red, brown yellow, and purple and are an average of [...] in height.
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