 Übersetzung für 'tones' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a tone | tones
VERB   to tone | toned | toned
toning | tones
tonesTöne {pl}
2 Wörter: Substantive
blue tonesBlautöne {pl}
brown tonesBrauntöne {pl}
earth tonesErdtöne {pl}
earth tones [a color palette of browns, tans, warm grays, and greens]Erdfarben {pl}
earthy tonesErdtöne {pl}
flesh tones
Inkarnat {n}
gray tones [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
green tonesGrüntöne {pl}
grey tones [Br.]Grautöne {pl}
heart tones
Herztöne {pl}
natural tonesNaturtöne {pl}
psalm tones
Psalmtöne {pl}
red tonesRottöne {pl}
reddish tonesRottöne {pl}
ring tones
Klingeltöne {pl}
ringing tonesKlingeltöne {pl}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
3 Wörter: Substantive
fetal heart tones
kindliche Herztöne {pl}
foetal heart tones [Br.]
kindliche Herztöne {pl}
tones of blue
Blautöne {pl}
tones of brownBrauntöne {pl}
tones of gray [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
tones of greenGrüntöne {pl}
tones of grey [Br.]Grautöne {pl}
tones of redRottöne {pl}
warm earth toneswarme Erdtöne {pl}
4 Wörter: Verben
to say in honeyed tonesflöten [mit honigsüßer Stimme sprechen]
to speak in dulcet tonesflöten [ugs.] [affektiert sprechen]
4 Wörter: Substantive
chord of five tones
Fünfklang {m}
hearing of pure tones
Reintongehör {n}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Metastation of Abandoned Tones [Lubo Kristek]
Metastation der zurückgelassenen Töne
32 Übersetzungen
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  • Die göttliche Vergänglichkeit des Tones = Divine Ephemerality of Tone [Lubo Kristek]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Modern Cantonese has up to seven phonemic tones. Cantonese Yale represents these tones using a combination of diacritics and the letter "h".
  • Duvle and Sikaritai have only two tones, high and low, but all other Lakes Plain languages have more than two tones.
  • There are basically six tones in Cantonese. Tones play an important role in distinguishing meanings. Tones also form melodies in poem and prose composition.
  • Open syllables can occur in one of nine different tones, checked syllables in six tones (so-called entering tones), so that the traditional approach counts fifteen tones.
  • Eastern Min varieties generally have seven tones, by the traditional count (based on the four tones of Middle Chinese, including the entering tone as a separate entity).

  • In addition to the ordinary lexical tones which go with individual words, and the grammatical tones of verb tenses, other tones can be heard which show phrasing or indicate a question.
  • The Yeniseian languages have been described as having up to four tones or no tones at all.
  • Texmelucan Zapotec has four phonemic tones: high, falling, mid and low.
  • Although some pairs of tones (such as tones 6 and 7b) have the same value when pronounced alone, they behave differently with regard to tone sandhi and should be treated as different phonologically.
  • Falling tones tend to fall further than rising tones rise; high–low tones are common, whereas low–high tones are quite rare.

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