| ADJ | tony | tonier | toniest |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The tony is currently at the house of his niece.
- Antony Booth, actor, father of Cherie Blair and father-in-law of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, resided in Todmorden.
- Advertisements inviting people who supported the Wolfenden Report to contact the Homosexual Law Reform Society resulted in Tony Dyson being joined by Antony Grey, businessman Nigel Bryant and architect Duncan Wright.
- Antony John (Tony) Chapman is a British psychologist and university administrator.
- Starring Jason Alexander as the narrator (a performance that would win Alexander a Tony), the show included stagings of cut numbers like Irving Berlin's "Mr.
- Daphne was the common law wife of Stefano DiMera, who fled from him while pregnant with her son, Antony. She raised Tony in Australia.
- This neighbourhood is seeing a rise in luxury apartments due to its tony location and proximity to the Bangalore Central Business District and other prominent addresses.
- David Antony Terence Leadley, known as Tony Leadley (born 1928), is a British rower.
- He and Soma married in 1950; she was 20 and pregnant with their first child, Walter Antony (Tony) Huston (b.
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