 Übersetzung für 'tor-grass' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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tor grass [Brachypodium pinnatum, syn.: B. abbreviatum, Agropyron pinnatum, Bromus pinnatus]
Gefiederte Zwenke {f}
tor grass [Brachypodium rupestre, syn.: B. caespitosum, Bromus rupestris, Festuca rupestris]
Felsen-Zwenke {f}
tor grass [Brachypodium rupestre, syn.: B. caespitosum, Bromus rupestris, Festuca rupestris]
Felsen-Fiederzwenke {f}
tor grass [Brachypodium rupestre, syn.: B. caespitosum, Bromus rupestris, Festuca rupestris]
Stein-Zwenke / Steinzwenke {f}
tor-grass [Brachypodium pinnatum, syn.: Brachypodium rupestre]
(Gewöhnliche) Fieder-Zwenke {f}
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • has a scallop-shaped site on its steepest part which retains its aboriginal vegetation, but it has had no grazing for many years and so has become overgrown with tor grass and encroaching thorn.
  • This site has limestone grassland with tor-grass, cock's foot, crested dog's-tail and red fescue.
  • This small site has calcareous grassland on Eastern Jurassic Limestone, and it is dominated by upright brome and tor-grass.
  • The main grasses on Ryhall Pasture are tor-grass, upright brome and red fescue.
  • This is a disused quarry which has grassland on Jurassic limestone. The main grasses are tor-grass and sheep's fescue, and there are the nationally rare plants spotted cat's ear and pasque flower.

  • The traditional management method of sheep grazing is used to control the growth of tor-grass and upright brome.
  • The grassland includes upright brome, tor-grass, sheep's fescue and a range of plants which flourish on calcareous soils.
  • The grassland plateau supports tor-grass, upright brome, sheep's fescue and quaking grass.
  • Ungrazed calcareous grassland makes up the northern section of the site, which consists mainly of Upright Brome, Tor-grass, Common Rock Rose and Old Man's Beard.
  • The grasses include Tor Grass, Upright Brome and there are typical calcareous herbs present.

  • The larvae feed internally on leaves of false-brome and tor-grass.
  • This site has species-rich grassland on Jurassic limestone. The dominant grasses are tor-grass and upright brome and flora include rock-rose, salad burnet, yellow-wort and autumn gentian.
  • These grass road verges on Jurassic limestone have several regionally uncommon plants.
  • This escarpment has unimproved chalk grassland and beech woodland.
  • The course is located on several soil types, including calcareous grassland on Jurassic Lower Lincolnshire Limestone, together with acid heath, scrub and broad-leaved woodland.

  • The site is a narrow grassland valley, which is one of the most florally diverse chalk downlands in Berkshire.
  • Habitats are primarily on unfertilised calcareous grassland; this includes chalk download, coastal grassland and undercliffs in Britain.
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