 Übersetzung für 'toreador' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a toreador | toreadors
SYNO bullfighter | toreador
Stierfechter {m}
toreadorTorero {m}
toreadorToreador {m}
toreadorStierkämpfer {m}
yellow toreador [Celosia cristata] [yellow cockscomb flower]
Gelber Hahnenkamm {m}
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • With the rich Spanish heritage in the city of Monterey, the Toreador was chosen as the school's mascot when it opened in 1905.
  • This is a comic novelty song from the 20th century, sung by a boasting, bogus toreador, who seems to know very little about bullfighting.
  • As "Rita", La Valera performed a toreador dance, draped in a large black cape.
  • In the chorus praising the toreador, the music turns celebratory and confident in character.
  • Carmen meets the famous toreador Escamillo and falls in love with him.

  • Juan developed his signature "toreador dance," where he would make believe that the ball was a "bull" and that his putter was a "sword," and he would terminate the "bull."
  • The gadflies of Saint Narcissus of Gerona march over the arena in seemingly straight and parallel lines, forming the cap, hairnet and cape of the toreador.
  • Juana and Hawes engage in an elaborate and comic pantomime of a bullfight, Juana playing the toreador and Hawes playing the bull.
  • A bullfighter fan, his favorite toreador was Luis Miguel González Lucas, better known as Luis Miguel Dominguín, father of famous singer Miguel Bosé.
  • The film described the bullfighting career of actress turned "toreador", Bette Ford.

  • Foreman, Leser introduced harem pants, dhoti pants, and toreador pants as "at home" clothing for American women.
  • British couple Bill and Martha (Leslie Fuller and Drusilla Wills) win a trip to Spain and enjoy a series of adventures, with henpecked Bill mistaken for a famous toreador and ending up in a bullfight.
  • The plot centers around a toreador trying to regain his sweetheart.
  • The film was shot in black-and-white except for a two-color Technicolor sequence in which Murray tangos and impersonates both a toreador and a bull.
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