 Übersetzung für 'tourist agency' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a tourist agency | tourist agencies
tourist agency
Reisebüro {n}
touristTouri {m} [ugs.]
touristUrlaubsreisender {m}
touristTourist {m}
disaster tourist
Katastrophentourist {m}
fuel touristTanktourist {m}
tourist region
Feriengebiet {n}
tourist regionFerienland {n}
tourist paradise
Ferienparadies {n}
tourist guide
Fremdenführer {m}
tourist industry
Fremdenverkehrsgewerbe {n}
tourist trade
Fremdenverkehrsgewerbe {n}
tourist advertising
Fremdenverkehrswerbung {f}
tourist industry
Fremdenverkehrswirtschaft {f}
tourist place
Touristenort {m}
tourist site
Touristenort {m}
tourist resortFremdenverkehrsort {m}
tourist [female]
Urlaubsreisende {f}
tourist [female]Touristin {f}
tourist information
Touristeninformation {f}
tourist services
Tourismusdienstleistungen {pl}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The old school (today the tourist agency) became a temporary hospital and since no crisis centre existed several organizations stepped in to help the population.
  • Simultaneous to writing, Arsenijević supplemented his income by working as a guide in the Kontiki tourist agency.
  • Lee published several books on China including its first Official Tourist Guide in cooperation with the China International Tourist Agency.
  • VisitScotland, the Scottish national tourist agency, has used video footage of Slioch in its television advertisements.
  • The Piazza 10 Ottobre 1123 built the year work began on the Castell dell’Abate is located in the center of the village featuring cafes, shops, and a tourist agency.

  • The House also contains the local tourist agency and a bookstore specializing in the Frisian language.
  • A daycare centre in Cambrai and a tourist agency in Fontenay-sous-Bois were also attacked.
  • Statistics released by the nation's tourist agency revealed that around 363,000 visitors went to the metropolis during 2012, with Americans making up the vast majority of that figure, followed by Australians and Chinese.
  • The western idea of a tourist agency that would book visits to scenic areas soon sparked a revolutionary counterpart in China.
  • He developed the accent from his Czech friend and from observations at a Romanian tourist agency.

  • Japan's second-largest tourist agency was bewildered when it initially entered English markets and began receiving overwhelming requests for sexual tours.
  • An AXE agent is murdered while investigating a Greek tourist agency, Golden Islands Promotions, which has been responsible for sponsoring large numbers of US visa applications.
  • In June 2017, the league sign sponsorship contract with tourist agency BTravel and officially changed his name to BTravel WABA League from the sponsorship reasons.
  • Then he helped to establish a tourist agency in the US focusing on the Egyptian market and began to work in the tourism field.
  • The Palestinian Tourist agency deplores the UNESCO's decision to leave out the western baptismal site.

  • Mihail Gorin came to the US in 1936, and operated the Los Angeles office of the Soviet tourist agency Intourist.
  • Before turning to writing, Etcherelli was employed in many types of workplaces, including a car assembly plant, a ball-bearing manufacturer, and a tourist agency.
  • At the same time, the singer started a tourist agency of her own named "Happy Vacations".
  • Some high ranked Romanian members make money out of the touristic activities of the organization, through the Company of Mysterious Journeys tourist agency.
  • Holiday trips for hundreds of thousands of young adults were arranged annually by the FDJ's tourist agency, "Jugendtourist".

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