 Übersetzung für 'u pile' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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U-Bohle {f}
U and non-U speech classification [Br.] Unterschiede {pl} in der Sprechweise zwischen Ober- und Unterschicht
Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]
Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]
up quark <u quark, u>
Up-Quark {n} <u-Quark, u>
u-steel / U-steel
U-Stahl {m}
continuous flight auger pile <CFA pile>
Schneckenortbetonpfahl {m} <SOB-Pfahl> [auch: Schnecken-Ortbeton-Pfahl]
U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO >
US-Bundesrechnungs­hof {m}
Umklapp process <U-process, u-process>
Umklappprozess {m} <U-Prozess>
ungeprüft u formU-Form
U-curveKehre {f} [scharfe Kurve]
uranium <U>
Uran {n} <U>
to U-turneine Kehrtwendung vollziehen
U-Profil {n}
See u!Wir sehen uns!
U-turnWendung {f} um 180°
u [letter]
{n} [Buchstabe]
U-lockBügelschloss {n}
U [letter]
{n} [Buchstabe]
U-shaped {adj}U-förmig [auch: u-förmig]
U-turnKehrtwendung {f}
U-boltKlemmbügel {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Janes Island Light was a screw-pile lighthouse located near Crisfield in the U.S. state of Maryland. Twice destroyed by ice, it was replaced in 1935 with an automated beacon.
  • Hooper Strait Light is one of four surviving Chesapeake Bay screw-pile lighthouses in the U.S.
  • The Moab uranium mill tailings pile is a uranium mill waste pond situated alongside the Colorado River, currently under the control of the U.S.
  • The pile alludes to an arrowhead and with the fleur-de-lis represents the organization's assault landing in Southern France, World War II, the gunstones symbolizing the unit's participation in six other campaigns in Europe.
  • This project was completed in June of the following year and consisted of moving the tailings into a single pile south of the processing building which was then fenced off and planted.

  • Michelle Malkin and anonymous blogger Allahpundit stated that the fire in the background appeared to be a large pile of burning tires.
  • They can usually create two types of rugs, a cut or loop pile.
  • 500 suffered a multi-car pile-up prior to the green flag.
  • The Rockpile Mountain Wilderness is a wilderness area in the U.S.
  • Winans brought a "large and powerful locomotive" as well as "three steam pile driving machines."

  • Maritime Administration (MARAD), the final Environmental Assessment identified a proprietary design known as Open Cell Sheet Pile (OCSP) as the preferred alternative for the wharf and berthing area of the new expansion project.
  • In other words, the Treasury met the price of gold through sales of government securities in financial markets in order to keep the pile of gold high but they would not be converted into currency in the Treasury.
  • to reconstruct shattered units from the dead pile in home cities, while all invading units are permanently out of play when lost in combat.
  • The indented division of the shield represents a log boom and pile and is suggestive of the manner in which Commander Cushing accomplished the sinking of CSS "Albemarle".
  • The earliest references to "scram" among the Chicago Pile team were also associated with Wilson's shutdown circuitry and not Hilberry.

  • Roosevelt ordered that a scientific committee be authorized for overseeing uranium work and allocated a small sum of money for pile research.
  • Firefighters found him under a pile of bodies; he was one of only four men rescued.
  • The first pile for the [...] route was driven on 6 March 1961 and the "Alt-Mariendorf" terminus station was opened on 28 February 1966.
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