 Übersetzung für 'u r' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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u r [sl.] [you are]du bist
5+ Wörter
Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]
Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]
U and non-U speech classification [Br.] Unterschiede {pl} in der Sprechweise zwischen Ober- und Unterschicht
rest and recuperation <R&R> [also during war] Ruhe {f} und Erholung [Rekonvaleszenz: Ausruhen und Genesung]
R&R [rest and recuperation / recreation]
Heimaturlaub {m}
set of real numbers <ℝ, R>
Menge {f} der reellen Zahlen <ℝ, R>
up quark <u quark, u>
Up-Quark {n} <u-Quark, u>
rest and recreation <R&R>Ruhe und Erholung
rest and relaxation <R & R>
Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörige
rest and recreation <R&R>
Spiel und Spaß
rest and relaxation <R&R>Erholung {f}
rest and recuperation <R&R>
Fronturlaub {m}
repeatability and reproducibility <R&R>
Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit <R&R>
rest and relaxation <R&R>Spiel und Spaß
rest and recreation <R & R>
Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörige
u-steel / U-steel
U-Stahl {m}
Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>
Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO >
US-Bundesrechnungs­hof {m}
Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign]
Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen]
set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'u r' von Englisch nach Deutsch

u r [sl.] [you are]
du bist

Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference]
Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz]hist.

U and non-U speech classification [Br.]
Unterschiede {pl} in der Sprechweise zwischen Ober- und Unterschicht
rest and recuperation <R&R> [also during war]
Ruhe {f} und Erholung [Rekonvaleszenz: Ausruhen und Genesung]
R&R [rest and recuperation / recreation]
Heimaturlaub {m}mil.
set of real numbers <ℝ, R>
Menge {f} der reellen Zahlen <ℝ, R>math.
up quark <u quark, u>
Up-Quark {n} <u-Quark, u>phys.
rest and recreation <R&R>
Ruhe und Erholung

Spiel und Spaßidiom
rest and relaxation <R & R>
Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörigemil.
rest and relaxation <R&R>
Erholung {f}

Spiel und Spaß
rest and recuperation <R&R>
Fronturlaub {m}mil.
repeatability and reproducibility <R&R>
Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit <R&R>engin.tech.
rest and recreation <R & R>
Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörigemil.
u-steel / U-steel
U-Stahl {m}tech.
Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>
Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]econ.pol.
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.

Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
U.S. Government Accountability Office <U.S. GAO >
US-Bundesrechnungs­hof {m}pol.
Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign]
Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen]traffic
set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>math.
  • Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet] = revolutions per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, rev/min>
  • Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet] = rotations per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1> [coll.] [revolutions per minute]
  • im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> [+Gen.] = by order and for account of sb./sth.
  • im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> von jdm./etw. = by order and for account of sb./sth.
  • Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild> = process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID>
  • Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.> = residual resistivity ratio <RRR>
  • Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.> = residual resistance ratio <RRR>
  • Menge {f} der reellen Zahlen <ℝ, R> = set of real numbers <ℝ, R>
  • Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit <R&R> = repeatability and reproducibility <R&R>
  • Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie] = net reproductive rate <R> [epidemiology]
  • Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie] = case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case]
  • selbst gesichtet und abgezeichnet <sguu. s.g.u.u.> = personally read and signed
  • selbst gelesen und unterschrieben <sguu, s.g.u.u.> = personally read and signed
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> [wenn es die Umstände zulassen, gestatten] = conditions permitting
  • Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> = rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>
  • Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> = rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> [vielleicht, möglicherweise] = arguably [possibly, potentially]
  • Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q> = set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> = potentially
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> = possibly
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> = in some cases
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> = if need be
  • unter Umständen <u. U.> = perhaps
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • If "s" is an element of "F"("U") and α: "U" → R is a continuous map, then α"s" (pointwise scalar multiplication) is in "F"("U").
  • The first use of the word "Robot" was in Karel Čapek's play "R.U.R.
  • In the pre-1971 orthography, consonant + the vowels u, ū, r̥ were written as ligatures, post-1971 they are written with symbols after the letter.
  • The Unlimited Resources Giving Enlightenment (U.R.G.E.) was founded in 2007 by Ziggy Marley.
  • Here the conserved quantity is the mass, with density "ρ"(r,"t") and current density "ρ"u, identical to the momentum density, while u(r,"t") is the flow velocity.

  • A drama is Karel Čapek's play "R.U.R.", which introduced the word "robot".
  • "R.U.R." is a 1920 science-fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Čapek.
  • British television science fiction began in 1938 when the broadcast medium was in its infancy with the transmission of a partial adaptation of Karel Čapek's play "R.U.R."
  • Public events furthering the S.U.R.E. campaign were organised 2015.
  • Although Karel Čapek's robots in "R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)" (1921)—the play that introduced the word "robot" to the world—were organic artificial humans, the word "robot" has come to primarily refer to mechanical humans, animals, and other beings.

  • Former examples include "laser" (1960) from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; "robot" (1941) from Czech writer Karel Čapek's play "R.U.R.
  • Shy FX's debut record was "Jungle Love", released in 1992 on the Permission to Dance label.
  • During the 1930s, he briefly became a communist, or more precisely, a fellow traveler (he never formally joined any communist party).
  • In 1934, a Douglas DC-2 airliner of KLM (the "Uiver"), a competitor in the MacRobertson Trophy Air Race (also known as the London to Melbourne Air Race), made an emergency night landing at the town's racecourse after becoming lost during severe thunderstorms.
  • O'Brien was also enrolled there and the two shared a small studio apartment.

  • ... 9 January 1890 – 25 December 1938) was a Czech writer, playwright and critic.
  • Robots and androids have frequently been depicted or described in works of fiction.
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