 Übersetzung für 'u-bend' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a U-bend | U-bends
U-bend [in pipe]
U-Bogen {m}
U-bend [pipe]
U-Rohr {n}
u-bend [trap, plumbing]
Röhrensiphon {m}
3 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'u-bend' von Englisch nach Deutsch

U-bend [in pipe]
U-Bogen {m}tech.
U-bend [pipe]
U-Rohr {n}tech.
u-bend [trap, plumbing]
Röhrensiphon {m}tech.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Waste flows from the house through a U-bend in the trap.
  • A legend arose that the River Aire changed its course in shame, in order to flow further away from the hall and its occupants (the river sweeps into a wide U-bend to skirt the meadow, giving the building a wide berth).
  • An S-shaped trap is also known as an S-bend. It was invented by Alexander Cumming in 1775 but became known as the U-bend following the introduction of the U-shaped trap by Thomas Crapper in 1880.
  • However, it cannot be used to clean very far into the toilet's U-bend and should not be used to clean the toilet seat.
  • The 1860 OS shows a lade running across the 'peninsula' of land made by the 'U' bend, with a dam across the river below Langlands farm forming a mill pond.

  • They are also formed by drilling boreholes into the ground, either vertically or horizontally, and then the pipes are inserted in the form of a closed-loop with a "u-bend" fitting on the far end of the loop.
  • Referring to a toilet U-bend, the cel-animated opening titles began with the camera being flushed down a toilet and ending up in a sewer (for the first series' opening titles, a live-action boy also sat at his kitchen table waiting for his copy of the "Round the Bend! ...
  • According to Courthouse News, lead plaintiff Roderick Smith discovered the first spy camera nestled in the u-bend of the sink in an Encino, California, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf store in October 2011.
  • He improved the S-bend plumbing trap in 1880 by inventing the U-bend.
  • Although a handful of novelty tenors have been constructed 'straight', like the smaller members of the saxophone family, the unwieldy length of the straight configuration means that almost all tenor saxophones feature a 'U-bend' above the third-lowest tone hole which is characteristic of the saxophone family.

  • It lies at the south end of Edward VII Avenue, between the Cardiff Crown Court and City Hall in Cathays Park and is the centre of a U bend in the cul-de-sac.
  • Key difficulties in pulse detonation engines are achieving DDT without requiring a tube long enough to make it impractical and drag-imposing on the aircraft (adding a U-bend into the tube extinguishes the detonation wave); reducing the noise (often described as sounding like a jackhammer); and damping the severe vibration caused by the operation of the engine.
  • Often two sets of tubes are used, with a U bend attaching them; this arrangement is called a "single slide".
  • An actinotroch settles to the seabed after about 20 days and then undergoes a radical change in 30 minutes: the larval tentacles are replaced by the adult lophophore; the anus moves from the bottom to just outside the lophophore; and this changes the gut from upright to a U-bend, with the stomach at the bottom of the body.
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